can you give me your opinion please

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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2005
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this is my horse twinkle toes ,i havent been able to post as i didnt know how untill fizzy showed me [thanks jane] he is 29 inches to the withers he will be 4 this year, hes out of a horse that was brought over from america a few years back from the toyland
stud, anyway id be interested in your honest opinion please, as ive read a lot of posts and appreciate your honesty {yes even yours jane ]lol thanks in advance ....lynda
hi shane

i think a lot of people like myself dont like to do critiques on the forum as it leads to way too many hurt feelings. but if your patient someone will post im sure


He is adorable......

His tailset is wonderful and he looks like he has a wonderful face with big eyes.....I'd use that to my benefit.

One of the things to work on with him is building up his hip muscles. I would also sweat his throat latch to make it more defined.

Try experimenting on how to set him up. You want to show his neck off but I'm not sure if you want him to extend it or make it more arched looking. You may want to have an extra person take his picture while you set him up to see which position looks the best.

I think he is wonderful ! No horse is perfect so I don't critique.
The only thing I would have to nitpick on about your boy is his neck appears to be a tad short. But he's got it pulled back in both photos, so it may not be. As the owner of a somewhat short necked horse myself, I am very aware of how short they can make their necks look! Was he younger in the second photo? He looks more mature and better developed in the first picture. I agree with Miniv, he could use some more muscle on his hips. But he's a beautiful boy. Very nice, and well balanced. I just have a slightly off topic question... where did you find the stallion show bridle in mini size? Are you required to show stallions in bridles at a certain age in Britain? Just curious!
He's VERY cute, I like him a lot!! The first picture is much more flattering to him; in the second one he seems to be chewing and it makes his muzzle look big, which it obviously isn't as one can see in the first pic. He looks quite well-balanced, nice topline, tailset, good length of hip and shoulder angle. Pretty boy!
Want my opinion ...

....he's to CUTE!

I dont do critique because i am not 100% sure what to look for.


Your boy looks very well balanced. Depending on where you are showing or at what level, if just locally, I wouldn't necessarily sweat his neck. What I would do though is in the first pic his forelock looks quite unruly so I would deal with that with some gel so it lies flatter on his forehead, so that the eye is not drawn to it but to his wonderful face. The second picture looks to me like it was over-exposed or something, not as clear as the first. Enjoy your boy you should do quite well with him!
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I like him! Danielle is right, though- thin that forelock! It makes him look pony-ish. Then gel it down. Plus, teach him to stretch forward. That'll make his neck look longer.

thanks everyone for your honest opinions i agree that the second picture does nothing for him but i didnt know how to cut it out lol. ive been working really hard with him, he was un touched when i got him, ill post some more pictures of him this year when hes clipped again, over in ireland they dont stretch there necks or gel there manes , but ive been learning a lot on here so ill know better next year
KEEP THE OPINIONS COMING thanks......lynda
Gel is OK Lyn, gel is good, I could not live without gel

Stretching is a no-no- we stand them natural, but there is no reason why they cannot stand up and look alert and smile at the Judge!!!

Far more emphasis is placed on the horses conformation when in action than how it looks when it is standing still.
It may not be "in style" but I like the pony look
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I Love him, he looks alot like Secret altho when Secret is slim lol. Maybe if he held his head alit higher that would make his neck look abit longer? He is very pretty.
I wouldn't care if he were stretched out on the couch reading a newspaper, he's simply adorable!
THANKS YOU GUYS! YOU ALL REALLY CHEERED ME UP, i did ask for honest critiques, and i was expecting some bad ones, I WAS PREPARED HONESTLY
OKAY OKAY I am biased though, thank you all, i mean it sincerley..........lynda. Im going to buy a vice tomorrow and s t r e t c h his neck so long youll need to go around the corner to see his butt
I like him too, I think he's very handsome.
I love the pony forelock look personally, can't stand clipping it off to a little thread of hair, but I've got to admit his is a bit much. Maybe trim it a little further forward between his ears? That and a triangular undercut can work wonders. My Kody's forelock still looks plenty fluffy and cute but you can see his eyes and when I go to braid it for driving it is much more managable (sp?).

I'm with bluerogue though:

where did you find the stallion show bridle in mini size? Are you required to show stallions in bridles at a certain age in Britain? Just curious!
I need to present my horse in a bridle for the combined driving events around here and just got one for Christmas, but it's nowhere near that nice. How do you handle the lead? i.e., do you use the reins, a stud chain, what? What is the standard? Fizz?


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