Kat Chapman
well it looks like another good product is coming off of the Walmart shelves. I have been feeding my dogs this food for over 10 years. I had a dog make it over 18 years on this food. She had seen a vet twice in her life once when another dog in my pack contracted a contagious soothing or other. (was more than 15 years ago cant remember) The secont time was to put her down at 18.75 years old. the las time I bought this food the price was down to 35 dollars a bag and the ticket said liquidation. the same thing happened with the boots I had been buying for work Wildsider (made by terra). The prices of these items must have been to competitive and they had to take them off of the market so the fat cats can continue to FU%^ the little guy feeding his or her dog. makes me SICK!!!