The horses are MY interest; my late husband used to clean up in the evenings, but since his death nearly 8 years ago, it's been me and only me who does EVERYTHING here(I recently turned 64; my kids are long grown and gone, though I do have one daughter who works at the National Lab and comes down every couple of weeks-she used to help me show, doing Hunter and sometimes Halter--UNTIL AMHA instituted their $50! fee for a non-member Amateur card-
-and is occasionally able to take care of things here if I want/need to be gone for a day or two.)
I have 7 minis and a big;will soon be bringing my original show mini gelding home from a free lease. The "big" has one end of the arena fenced off w/ portable panels-@ 25' X 125', with a nice big shade tree just outside the fence, so that it shelters/shades her all summer; I can let her down an "alley" into a 12'x 12' southfacing run-in shed w/ 12'x 50' run when weather demands. I have 5 minis at the barn, 4 in @ 12'X 12' stalls w/ attached 12'x 36' runs; one has an 8'x 10' lean-to type shed, with 12'x 26'run, right next to the main barn. Others are in either the big semi-round "mare" pen, @ 85' in diameter, with a 16' x 36' southfacing run-in shed, or in other run-in sheds of @ 8'x8' with 32' attached runs, or a larger, @ 10'x 13' run-in with attached 32' run.(I am a STRONG believer in,and advocate of, making their daily living space as roomy as possible, BTW.) When we've had enough rain to grow the grass, they are turned out every day or so, for an hour or two-and I often put all the minis out in the arena(125' X 225')to exercise and hang out together. In moderate weather, the ones at the barn are shut out of the stalls most/all of the time(they have shade from the barn itself in the afternoons); when the weather's bad, I leave the bottom half of the dutch doors open so they can go in or out; if it's really COLD, or raining/blowing out of the east, I sometimes shut them into their stalls-they are often shut in overnight in the dead of winter, due to the temps. I have heated buckets for all the minis in the winter, plugging two on each end of the barn into a HD, outdoor rated ext. cord, and using timers, matching the timers pretty much to our on-peak/off-peak electric rates(works quite well, and saves $$ over just having the buckets heating 24/7! I can move their buckets outside during the day, yet keep them plugged in if needed. I then use a tank heater in the one bigger tank outside, again, using a HD outdoor rated ext. cord, and running the cord right to the heater through a PVC pipe, to protect it from busy mouths!
Stalls are matted, all except for one 4'x 6' corner, where I keep shavings-works pretty well. When they are having to stay in the stalls, I "pick" the shavings AM and PM, pick up the wet, and use Sweet PDZ on the wet spots in the dirt. I ALWAYS clean runs/stalls twice daily, bagging the minis' manure so it can be hauled off by the trash man weekly; I simply scatter the big mare's manure regularly, pick it up and put it into my little manure spreader occasionally, and spread it in the arena. I either add to or scrub buckets/tanks and refill as needed; there's one or two to do nearly everyday, as I try to stagger when each is done.
The greatest helps to me here have been: the tank heater, heated buckets, stall mats--AND, my big garden tractor! When I got it, I also got a 46" front-mounted snow blower, for winter-and it has been a HUGE help! (Lots of work, mounting and dismounting it from the tractor by myself, but--I can do it(amazing how you learn to use leverage and ingenuity when you MUST!!)
In moderate weather, basic AM chores take me about 1 1/2 hours; PM, about 1-1 1/4 hours--in winter, MUCH longer, sometimes. I am working at being able to get 'down' to just my beloved longtimers/driving horses--if I could just get down to 6 minis and Jordan, I believe I could handle it....I had as many as 17 minis once, but it became all work and no play(and, I was younger then, and had help!)
If I DIDN'T love this, I darn sure wouldn't do all of this work! Besides the strictly horse stuff, there's the mowing, watering, tree trimming, replenishing the crusher fines here and there-----etc., etc., etc.,etc.!!! You'd think I'd be slimmer!!!!!