Thank you for letting us know. We need one more show for the Worlds and that was one I was thinking about. Today is the dealine to enter another show. Glad I did not miss the deadline.
Too bad about that show as I have been there before and liked the grounds.
It is getting really hard to find shows to go to for AMHA that are not 14 or more hours away. All (2) of ours are AMHR one day and AMHA the other day. The AMHA shows are kind of token shows with AMHR judges (they do tend to pick a different type of horse) and very few classes for AMHA. Lots of classes for AMHR and Ponies though.
I also was planning on going to that show. So, just to make sure, both the AMHA and AMHR show at Carthage, MO, on July 24 - 26, are completely cancelled?