I really like the design but I would redo the buttons as they are hard to read. You really never want to use yellow font on a website.
I would also take off the Yahoo hosting unless you are getting paid to put that on there.
Also you need to get more meta tags in and redo your meta description. Your current tags are
<meta name="description" content="Catering, Southern Accents Barbecue, BBQ">
<meta name="keywords" content="Catering, Southern Accents Barbecue, BBQ">
I never capitalize keywords because if you do google wont recognize them unless the person searching puts it in caps. Most people never use caps when they search. I would add some more like bbq beef, bbq pork, etc etc. I always tell people to make your location a keyword. so for example one of mine is thornville ohio, thornville ohio miniature horse breeder etc.
The meta name description should be a full paragraph. This is what shows when Google brings up your link. Since you do not have it filled in right here is what shows when you come up on Google:
Catering, Southern Accents Barbecue, BBQ
Hosting by Yahoo! Web Hosting
Since you have no meta description, google indexed the first line of your website which is hosting by Yahoo web hosting. Not what you want people to see. Again get that hosted by Yahoo off there.
Thankfully Yahoo makes it real easy to change those. Just go to meta description and type a paragraph. Something like "Welcome to Southern Accents Catering. Our specialty is home style barbeque etc etc.
Remember you have to tailor the meta keywords and descriptions for each page.