CDE Clinic with Lisa Singer

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Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2006
Reaction score
Suffield, CT
Sunday we tore ourselves away from our new colt Max to attend a CDE Clinic and Fun Day at the site of a CDE the day before. There were 2 VSE's in the CDE, both at their first one and they did great!! I told them they made us mini owners proud. They also captured the attention of someone with a rescue mini that she got only as a companion animal and didn't realize what you could do with them!!! On Saturday I also met forum members DrivinTime and Ian of Celtic Hill Farm. Ian was a volunteer - THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!

On Sunday, everything was still set up (more or less) for people to practice on, plus there were clinic slots with Craig Kellogg and Lisa Singer. The lesson horse just before us was a rescue mini.

First I drove Ruby over part of the marathon course, through some cones, and one of the hazards: I wasn't driving her in the clinic, but seeing the pictures I am asking myself "why not"?




Then I warmed Princess up a bit and waited in the shade to meet our instructor. Her first comment was "Don't let her do that"! which got us off to a great start. Princess had turned her head to look at something... OK, then Lisa asked if she could get in the cart, as that was how she was doing lessons. I told her Princess wasn't used to a second person, but she would let us know if it wasn't working. Lisa wanted to know what she would do and I said I wasn't sure, but she would think of something. Anyway, Lisa took the reins and asked Princess to really work her rear end:


This worked for a bit .. and then Princess kicked the cart! Of course that was not allowed, and she got back to work again! But she got her point across.

We next tried a hazard and boy did I have a lot to learn here...


Lastly we tried the cones and by that time we were ALL tired so I don't even have a picture. We did hit one cone which was pretty exciting (and my fault entirely).

The Clinic was a great experience, but very humbling. as I found out how much I DON'T know!!! BTW, this was the first time Princess ever drove completely without a check rein - I usually use a loose side check.
They both look great. That looks like so much fun!
Princess and Ruby both look GREAT, Mary!! Princess's harnessing is very correct and I love the look of her neck without that bulky sidecheck. And wow- how black can she get?!

In the hazards, turn by pulling your shoulders back and rotating your torso from the waist rather than "folding in" on that side. Your horse has to be bold and upright in the shafts during turns, and so do you!
Pretend your belly button is a flashlight and shine the beam along the path you want to take. Also, look where you're going and not at your horse. I know it's really, really tempting (especially with green horses) but they'll move out and make turns much more crisply if you are focused on the destination rather than their rumps.

Great job, and I'm so pleased you got your first event under your belt!

Hey Mary! I am so glad you have FINALLY been having seems ... a perfect couple weeks! How great for you! hope all is well... take care
Hey There, TargetsMom!! You guys look great out there, like pros! Thanks for sharing the pictures.

It was so nice to meet you and gab for a bit; glad you got to go out and play the next day.

We had such a good time watching everyone go, and the minis were very impressive - they kept up a nice steady trot the whole time, and didn't even look sweaty or tired (unlike some of the biggies, lol) at the end!

Here's hoping we met up again soon and maybe with horses in tow this time! (Next time I will be sure to bring my sun block - the only downside to the whole day for me...)

The horses look terrific! How fun for you to go to the clinic. Aren't these lil' guys the best??

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