It is yet another boy....
All is well, actually the foal was in perfect position, not a bit out of line..........but when she kept getting up and down, up and down her Water had not even broke at that point - she was just very uncomfortable at that point; it did not break until she was in the back right corner of her stall with her butt up against the boards.....and when her water broke and she actually started pushing bubble was right there with feet, then she got up one more time and went "off cam" to finish having him.
Afterbirth passed, baby has full stomach, Silver banamine's kicking in; and I'm off to bed for a few hours rest before I have to get up and head to finish a show tomorrow early, lucky to have this show only an hour away so I opted to drive back and forth Sat/Sunday as Silver was still hanging on....
This colts full brother showed yesterday and took both firsts in his yearling class, both Jr. Grands and Both Overall Grand Champion stallions........