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Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2003
Reaction score
Larimore, ND
First off, I want to say THIS IS NOT MY MARE but I do have her owner's permission to post the pics.

To be honest, I am downright worried sick about this mare. I don't know if it's just that she's smaller than my mares and I'm worried for nothing or what. This mare is about 33", 16 years old, and has had quite a few foals in the past. She was pasture bred so a due date is sketchy. She just seems so HUGE to me! She isn't showing any signs of being close to foaling either - no bag, no relaxed vulva, no mushy butt, no nothing, except looking very low. I noticed when I was over there the other day, the foal moves constantly but looks to be on both sides of the belly and not in a certain area. I am worried she might be carrying twins. I know if she were my mare, I would have had a vet look at her months ago. Maybe I am just a worrier. I just feel like the little thing is suffering and I feel so helpless! Her owner doesn't sound like she'll be having a vet look at her at all. What do you guys think? Here are the pics:

(Sorry about the shadow in the one. You can still see how LOW the belly hangs!)


Yes, she does look quite large, but why worry yourself sick over it. If she is carrying twins, there's nothing that can be done at this point anyway. And I am sure she's not "suffering" even if she is carry twins. People carry twins all the time, and although it may be more uncomfortable than carrying one, I would not consider it suffering.
I have two that look like that- one of them is 29"!!! :bgrin

I know it is worrying but she is not a tiny maiden- I really would not worry- when the time comes she will be fine.
I have a mare that big too... but she is giving me some signs I won't have to wait too much longer. She's got a mushy butt, and is starting on a bag. My girl's belly is nearing her knees, she is that low. She did that last year too, though, and her filly last year was fine. A tad bit bigger than expected, but that's all. My girl has had a few foals, and she tends to be a VERY easy keeper. I'm assuming that is why her belly gets so low. She may just not have really toned stomach muscles too, especially after having several foals.
Um....she's just like a lot of people....she's had a bunch of foals so she probably "hangs" a little lower than a nice, young, svelte filly. Just like women (some) who have had a bunch of kids. Now my daughter - I want to shoot her!! She's as tall as I am, has had 2 kids, and wears a size 5 .... I hate her :bgrin
: .
Um....she's just like a lot of people....she's had a bunch of foals so she probably "hangs" a little lower than a nice, young, svelte filly. Just like women (some) who have had a bunch of kids. Now my daughter - I want to shoot her!! She's as tall as I am, has had 2 kids, and wears a size 5 .... I hate her :bgrin
: .
Ok first off Jean... sigh you cant be much more then a size 5 if that either!
: I would love to be as tall and thin as you.

Ok now that is off my chest
I have a mare who isnt all that old I am guessing about 9 maybe off hand and she has a saggy broodmare belly even when she is open (like me)
: so that could very well be what you are seeing.
She looks like a pot belly pig!!! Poor girl. I hope it will all be over soon and she will have a beautiful baby to show for her low ridding belly
Thank you everyone for the reassurement. I am breathing a huge sigh of relief right now and hoping everything turns out okay for this mare. I will update when her foaling time comes.

OH and Jean, you are too funny! :lol:
I agree with the others..... First off, she is 16 with several pregnancies under her belt (so to speak), so her tummy muscles are stretched. Secondly, she looks like she's on the "short-backed" side. Short-backed mares tend to carry their babies down under them more.


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