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Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2005
Reaction score
South Central, KY
Well, I am finally a chicken owner. Hubbie was THRILLED when I informed him we were going to town to pick up some young chicks. Boy was he disappointed to find out I meant pullets. LOL But here is my question: Hubbie is building a chicken tractor. It's sorta like an A-frame with nesting boxes that slide in and out on one end and a roof over the other half. Anyway, I am concerned about predation and had thought originally to put the protective wire on the bottom of the cage as well as up the sides. However, upon reading I have discovered that the chickens will "scratch" and possibly hurt or lose a toe due to getting in caught in the wire. So, should I put it on the bottom to keep them safe or leave it open? The tractor will sit on the ground but something could easily dig under it (hence my concern). But I don't want to do anything that would hurt their little feet. Oh, and by the way, I have four little Dominique pullets (or at least they were sold as pullets, but it is very difficult to determine sex at this age). I'll be mighty disappointed if I end up with four roosters!!! LOL
Nope leave it open. no matter what even if you was to put a bottem on it, if a predator wants in, it will get in.

Ive seen coons eat through a wood wall before to get chickens, also tear apart chicken wire to get in, so unless your chickens are in prison or a metal box, theres always the possiblity for them to become dinner. My suggestion it to keep a live trap next to the coop that way you can catch whats learking by.
I agree with tractor did not have a bottom on it.
Yeah, I agree that the bottom of the outside area needs to be open. But, I am wondering since your husband is building this thing, if he couldn't design it so you could close them up in the roost part at night? Like make a door that is down like a ramp during the day, but then shut and latched at night? You'd have to clean out this enclosed area pretty frequently, as they poop all night, but it would probably do a good job keeping them safer. There are tons of designs on line and even advertised for sale on Craig's List that maybe you can look at to get ideas.

Have fun with your new little chicks!! They're so sweet!

OK, I just went to look for some examples and here are some neat ones that would be as predator proof as possible:




A few more:





Frankly, I like the kind you can walk into, like a small shed, as it gives them more room, and you have much more room to get in there and clean and refill feeders/waterers. It also allows you to put in a heat lamp if your temps get really cold in the winter. Just some ideas to think about!

Some great designs there! Remember that the more 'outside' space you can give your new friends, the more they will like it and be contented. Also would suggest you keep them as near to your house as poss - less likely to have preditors or at least you or your dogs might hear them trying to break in.

I have been 'lurking' on your chicken thread and cant wait to see some pics of your new girls. Good luck and enjoy.

I'm by no means a chicken expert, as I live in the middle of a city, but we DID have a few rescued chickens here when I was a kid

The chickens would roam during the day but at night would go into the roost and actually liked to perch up on some dowel perches we put into their roost. We'd lock the coop up at night. In the morning, we'd let them back out.

You do have to clean below the perches regularly though. We had a cement pad under them that was easy to hose down.

Predators are not usually a problem during the day. If you can shut them up securely at night that would be best. Dawn and dusk are the most dangerous times. They are instinctive excavators, so I think wire on the bottom would be bad.

Thanks for the photos of chicken houses. We are getting ready to build one and pondering designs. Chickens are so much fun--I can hardly wait!

Yay for pullets!!!!
My chickens free range during the day and go up in the coop at night ( a retired playhouse) So far no predator problems during daylight hours.
here is the coop we had


I let my girls free range during the day and at night I closed them up in the henspa. I actually took the wire part off my henspa and the girls were in a large fenced in area and could go in the henspa whenever they liked until they were closed up at night. I did get home one evening late from work (around midnight)and a opposum got one of my girls.
So I go to work last evening and casually mention that I now have some baby chicks and that they have taken up residence in a rather ENORMOUS box in my laundry room. Do I get exclamations of delight? NOOOOOO. I get gasps of unbelief that I would have chickens inside my house. Come on people, it's cold here....and raining. They are babies. Not only are they living in there, but there is a heat lamp on top of them and a portable heater in the room also. Goodness forbid that they get cold. LOL. Honestly, if you are going to have animals, you need to take good care of them. But these same people didn't believe in having dogs inside the house either. And here I sit with two inside dogs (one of who is enormous....think polar bear.....she's a great pyreness) and four inside cats. The baby chicks will live in the laundry room another 4-5 weeks until they are old enough to stand the out of doors and I will continue to clean their box about a hundred times a day. It's sorta like my horses. They poop, I scoop. It's a crapty job but someone's got to do it. LOL

I have some pictures of the cuties but I am having trouble getting them to post. I could email them to someone who knows how to post, if anyone is interested.
So I go to work last evening and casually mention that I now have some baby chicks and that they have taken up residence in a rather ENORMOUS box in my laundry room. Do I get exclamations of delight? NOOOOOO. I get gasps of unbelief that I would have chickens inside my house. Come on people, it's cold here....and raining. They are babies. Not only are they living in there, but there is a heat lamp on top of them and a portable heater in the room also. Goodness forbid that they get cold. LOL. Honestly, if you are going to have animals, you need to take good care of them. But these same people didn't believe in having dogs inside the house either. And here I sit with two inside dogs (one of who is enormous....think polar bear.....she's a great pyreness) and four inside cats. The baby chicks will live in the laundry room another 4-5 weeks until they are old enough to stand the out of doors and I will continue to clean their box about a hundred times a day. It's sorta like my horses. They poop, I scoop. It's a crapty job but someone's got to do it. LOL

I have some pictures of the cuties but I am having trouble getting them to post. I could email them to someone who knows how to post, if anyone is interested.

Folks who dont understand about proper animal care and think that all animals must live outside and are only good for to just feed and water, IMO dont need pets. No matter the critter, they all need special attention EXPECALLY babys! GOOD for you and as long as you love them, thats all that matters!

I work at TSC and we are selling baby chicks right now also. Folks who come in wanting to buy a chick or duck and nothing else that the baby needs, usally we change their minds real quick when we say it will die if you dont provide the proper care and take the responsibility to propperly provide for it. I personally feel better when they pass on buying them so that way someone else whos more responsible and knowledeable has the oppertunity to give it a good loving home. It blows my mind with some customers and how they think!

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