Well-Known Member
Well, I am finally a chicken owner. Hubbie was THRILLED when I informed him we were going to town to pick up some young chicks. Boy was he disappointed to find out I meant pullets. LOL But here is my question: Hubbie is building a chicken tractor. It's sorta like an A-frame with nesting boxes that slide in and out on one end and a roof over the other half. Anyway, I am concerned about predation and had thought originally to put the protective wire on the bottom of the cage as well as up the sides. However, upon reading I have discovered that the chickens will "scratch" and possibly hurt or lose a toe due to getting in caught in the wire. So, should I put it on the bottom to keep them safe or leave it open? The tractor will sit on the ground but something could easily dig under it (hence my concern). But I don't want to do anything that would hurt their little feet. Oh, and by the way, I have four little Dominique pullets (or at least they were sold as pullets, but it is very difficult to determine sex at this age). I'll be mighty disappointed if I end up with four roosters!!! LOL