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Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2004
Reaction score
Northwest California
It’s getting closer time to order chickens again for 4H.

What I want to know is what breeds have your kids done well with as a market bird?

I know that the Cornish Cross is a good meat bird but what else is out there that looks a little nicer?

Seems that most people here in our town don’t eat the meat pen birds that they buy, but rather they keep them for eggs. I think this year we are having egg bird pen to. So that is another way we could go but I’m not sure what’s happening with that yet.

Last year we did Partridge Rocks but they didn’t reach market weight in time.

I was thinking maybe White Rocks this year.

Has anyone raised the Cornish Roasters that Mc Murray sells? Not the Cornish Cross.

If so how did they work out?

Thanks Jo
Buff Orpingtons- quite old, very pretty, dual purpose birds. Won't go "off their legs" with weight, but if you want them fore the table, they do make a good weight with a bit of "finishing"

They are not as good layers as a true laying breed, but they do have nice eggs.

They tame down nicely too, if you fancy pet chickens.

I never did
I have raised the cornish roasters and they finish out quite nicely and quick. The buffs are great too. I love the brahmas alot also. Roosters are very friendly and hens are super layers, they take the cold really well. I miss chickens.

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