Well-Known Member
OMG that face!!!!

I love everyones fuzzy horses, Christmas rigs and barns!

OMG that face!!!!
It's so nice to have one in the bunch that cooperates. My mare is like that. I just wormed everyone. One I have to sneak the wormer in the barn inside my pocket because if he sees it I can't even get his halter on. I have to halter them all except my mare. She comes to the gate without her halter and just eats up whatever I have.Reo,
Robbie is so fun to dress up.He just stands looking at me like ok stupid lady take your pics and take this mess off me so i can go back to my hay. Cloud,Cinna and Shortcake isnt as patient as Robbie. And cant get a good shot of them. I had them or should i say attempted to dress them up. Needless to say they didnt go for it.Robbie was my team player as always.LOL