Cinnamon. Rescue mare: **FILLY**!!!!!!!!!

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Okay, maybe my nerves have settled a bit!!

She got very restless around 5. Up and down, up and down, pacing, etc. I gathered up a few more towels, my cup of coffee, and my phone and headed out to sit just outside her stall (to peek in, as to not disturb her). As soon as I set down all the stuff, her water broke. There was NO time to throw down hay! Threw the phone back down (I was actually getting on here for an update!!), and went in with her. She went straight down and started pushing. Two pushes, and we had a white bag! Mama was just outside the stall, and I hollered "It's a WHITE bag!", then another push..."We have a foot, facing DOWN!", then "ANOTHER foot!". "Here's a NOSE!" "Please, Jesus, don't let her hang up!"...little head was a bit tight, so put some gentle downward pressure on legs, tried to massage perineal area just a bit, then head pops out!! Again, another prayer: "Please, please let those back legs be lined up and no hip lock, no hip lock!" Then here comes the rest of the baby!!! Broke the sac (thick!!), cleared nostrils, Cinnamon looked back in surprise, and got up before I wanted her to. She broke the cord, then turned around and licked, licked, licked!! She's SOOOOO proud of her! What a good Mommy!

Betadine is on stump, placenta passed and inspected, tail is unwrapped, halter is off, baby stood, pooped, and suckled for a brief moment, feeding trough outside, and majority of water drained from tub. Have ivermectin on standby, will let them bond a little while before I do that.

I'm SOOOO thankful everything went as smoothly as it did. When she got down to business, it was over in less than 5 minutes. I totally understand when y'all say "DON'T LEAVE THEM". Bless her heart, Cinnamon totally deserved such an easy birth, after all she went through.

I still feel nauseated because of the adrenaline. Kept remembering Diane's post about dystocias, and I was trying to picture each of the scenarios in my mind, just in case I needed them. So glad I was prepared, even though we didn't need it.

You guys have been soooooo awesome, and I honestly would not have been ready if it weren't for each and every one of you. Thank you ALL!!
It is with tears in my eyes that I write, that last photo is what we have all been praying for

I can go and enjoy my mum's party now, i brought plenty of yummy wine from Italy
COL ( cry out loud ) I dont think anyone could read your foaling with out crying!! You had everything down to a T just in case and look at how easy your Cinnamon made it for you what a gift they both are! Again, your little filly and Cinnamon look wonderful!!

P.S. I was reading my other post and thought...what the heck ..Amy must hate me... my thoughts were that Cinnamon looks so alert and wonderful for just having a foal ( my PNut always looks so tired and run down, poor thing ) but what came out after punching these keys sounded like ...such a pretty filly for such a ugly mare. That Amy, was not what I was thinking or attempting to say. Im going into my cave now.
Amy, wish I could help but I didnt use Banamine...i had something else on hand...but isnt it the correct weight which is marked on the tube. I hope someone w/more experience is lurking
BIG CONGRATS ! She is a beauty !
We have foals real close in age
YAY YAY YAY YAY YIPPEEEE!!! I'm so thrilled right now!! CONGRATS!!! Gorgeous little girl!!!
YEAH!!!!! CONGRATS Amy and Cin!!!!!! Soooooo glad everything when so good!!!! Whew!!!! Your filly is soooo beautiful!!! Can't wait to see more dry pics!!!! : D awesome job you and Cin did!!!!
2cc, take the needle off and squirt in the mouth Still reading..
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WOW!! What a perfect foaling for you!! She SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO deserved it, as did you. I went back to look at those first few pictures of her, and how happy a little momma she is, and tears of happiness are flowing for you both!!!!


Oh boy - she must have had it soon after I logged off for the day - think my last post this morning was my one to you when I said that the pacing and peeing could be a pre-labour sign! Cin has occupied my thoughts all day and I have been sending prayers and good foaling thoughts in your direction. Tears of joy are now in my eyes for you and Cin Amy, I cannot tell you how thrilled I am for you both!!

Like the others have said HAPPY MOTHER's DAY!! Those pictures of Cin and her new little daughter are just so beautiful, and as for the filly herself, well she is just stunning, and look at those long legs. Cant wait to see her all dried out.

A little bit of info for you - checked through the posts and from your post at 6.50 asking if you should let her outside for a while, to your post actually telling us that she had a filly (7.26) just goes to show how quickly things can and do happen!! In that time she had gone from not doing anything much, to going into labour, delivering with your help, and you had administered to the filly, all before you posted here to tell us the good news!!

Anyway I just want to add my very sincere CONGRATULATIONS to those offered by the others, you have done an amazing job with Cinnamon since you have had her and especially today at the birth of her beautiful daughter.

As to banamine, my notes say 1cc/100# (for the liquid), so it depends on how much she weighs. [My mares weigh nearly 400# (38" mares), but I think I still only gave them like 2cc just to ease the discomfort, I could always give them a little more if needed. I do have smaller mares, also, so will have to remember to adjust their dosage.] If you have the oral paste, then the syringe is marked by weight; just give her the appropriate amount for her weight.
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