Is there anyway that Penny could spend her day in the grassy field rather than use the diet paddock? Dont think she really needs to reduce her 'moist' food right now? She seemed pretty uncomfortable at times last night and I dont think she needs a 'change' in her diet at the moment or is there really not that much difference in the grass amount between the two paddocks? You could double up the moisture in Penny's tea feed to help make up the difference, but nothing will beat good grass going through her system at the moment, particlarly as she is used to it.
How's the tummy today and what happened about the flooding - I know you were worried about being at the hospital if the water stopped you getting home, but neither would it be good for you to be stuck at home with a flood between you and the hospital if your appendix decided to flare up! Have been adding you to my prayers and keeping my fingers crossed for good news via your Doc very soon.