Classic K Miniatures thread. pics and updates on my mini's

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I still seem to have problems with your cam Cassie - it always takes around a minute and a half to two minutes to 'tune in' when I first go there and almost as long if I dont log out, but close the laptop for a few hours and then return. Also I often get stream not found and cant find it at all - are you having rain downpours or even connection problems at times?

Does anyone know how Penny is this morning - had to stop watching a couple of hours ago? Or what happened in the early hours of this morning when she seemed stressed?
Hi Girls,

Sorry I wasn't on earlier crazy morning LOL Jonny is off to school I will get a call to go n pick him up if the school gets evactuated.

dam is at 89.2% when it reaches 90% they will release the flood gates...

Anna I have emailed Heather and we are trying to work out the issue behind why it takes so long... :s sorry I hate it too.

one of the ladies from marestare recorded when she lay down last night and for how long this is it....

"All these are down sternal (no flat out)

1:20 10 minutes

2:22 15 minutes

3:48 10 minutes

4:00 20 minutes

5:20 33 minutes

Standing at door relaxed as I am leaving."

she is such a lovely lady and was one of the ladies who watched Suzie for me with Finn <3

I can't think what could have made her stressed last night Anna we didn't have a storm it was raining but nothing massive.... maybe she didn't like the sound of it?

before I did a late night check on her she seemed to be feeling something...

she would stand still then breathe really heavy (from what I could see) then quickly do a circle of the stable... this happened quite a few times before I went out there.... so I gave her some more hay and she seemed to eat it but was still pacing a little.

she seemed fine to me this morning... maybe a little looser behind but still nothing much happening... I would guess by the fact that her teats are already so big that when she does bag up she will bag up very quickly? would you girls think the same?

what would be the best milk supplement to give the foal? obviously I would need to give it colostrum...

We have calf bottles and such would they be ok to use on a mini foal? do you think??
I was watching before you came in the stable for a while and saw all the circling, Cassie. She would also hold her back right leg back.. and she was swishing her tail a good bit. I haven't seen her act like that before.
Hi Girls,

Sorry I wasn't on earlier crazy morning LOL Jonny is off to school I will get a call to go n pick him up if the school gets evactuated.

dam is at 89.2% when it reaches 90% they will release the flood gates...

Anna I have emailed Heather and we are trying to work out the issue behind why it takes so long... :s sorry I hate it too.

one of the ladies from marestare recorded when she lay down last night and for how long this is it....

"All these are down sternal (no flat out)

1:20 10 minutes

2:22 15 minutes

3:48 10 minutes

4:00 20 minutes

5:20 33 minutes

Standing at door relaxed as I am leaving."

she is such a lovely lady and was one of the ladies who watched Suzie for me with Finn <3

I can't think what could have made her stressed last night Anna we didn't have a storm it was raining but nothing massive.... maybe she didn't like the sound of it?

before I did a late night check on her she seemed to be feeling something...

she would stand still then breathe really heavy (from what I could see) then quickly do a circle of the stable... this happened quite a few times before I went out there.... so I gave her some more hay and she seemed to eat it but was still pacing a little.

she seemed fine to me this morning... maybe a little looser behind but still nothing much happening... I would guess by the fact that her teats are already so big that when she does bag up she will bag up very quickly? would you girls think the same?

what would be the best milk supplement to give the foal? obviously I would need to give it colostrum...

We have calf bottles and such would they be ok to use on a mini foal? do you think??
I have not read all the way throught the thread but was just wondering why you are asking about milk supplement. Colostrum supplements are not really colostrum. Do you have any colostrum frozen from previous foalings just in case? Hopefully she will produce colostrum. Sending positive thoughts your way.
I have not read all the way throught the thread but was just wondering why you are asking about milk supplement. Colostrum supplements are not really colostrum. Do you have any colostrum frozen from previous foalings just in case? Hopefully she will produce colostrum. Sending positive thoughts your way.
HI Vicki,

we are worried because she is at 340 days and hasn't bagged up...

though her bag did seem a fraction fuller tonight when I put her to bed...

um sorry for the new angle... my other camera won't connect for some stupid reason so this one will have to do for tonight... it might actually be clearer from this side as it is closer to our house and better signal... sorry Ladies. its not a very good angle but at least we can see her ok...

I think I felt a big movement this afternoon and Penny has been rolling...

we are going out to see the river.. will take some piccies for you
Vickie it was me who suggested to Cassie that she might like to be thinking about supplimenting the foal if Penny foaled with little milk, or to be ready to give her vet a shout if the foal needed help. I didn't want Cassie simply to watch for Penny to get a bag when, given Penny's dates, she could foal at any time. I'm sure Penny will fill that udder at the last minute (as per her reputation) but it never hurts to have thoughts of a 'plan B' just in case!!

How's that flood doing Cassie - you take care.
And when are you seeing the Doc again?
goodnight Jackie, sorry I have just gotten home n realised that the camer isn't working
will go back out n fix it

River hasn't topped the bridge yet but it is expected to overnight/ tomorrow... everyone has brought their pumps up, tractors in and moved animals... luckily we don't have to

one of our trucks did get stuck (broke down) over 1 1/2 away this arvo and we worried about getting it back in time... but I saw it drive by bout an hour ago... phew! be back soon... hoping the camera will work again! gosh so don't need this!

Anna, if the bridge is stil accessible I will see doc tomorrow... if not. I will see her when it goes down LOL

hey a quick question and it might be a bit dum... but I was thinking about it this arvo... ok so Penny has had two foals...

first was a tiny colt while she had EI, she was two weeks early but Christine thinks that is because she was sick...

2nd foal was over 4 years ago and another colt....

do you think that maybe (n correct me if I am totally wrong) could she be smaller with this foal as she hasn't had a foal in a while? and has only had two??

what are your thoughts??
going to try fix the camera AGAIN! lol
ok camera working
sorry it still takes ages to load... Heather thinks it could be something to do with our internet... great! my brothers don't want me to change anything
I'm thinking Penny's tummy is giving her a bit of grief at the moment...

this afternoon she was fairly desperate to get into HER stable paddock and was herding Suzie and FInn around trying to tell them where to go...

and just now she has been doing some realy big breaths or tummy movements, swishing her tail then doing a circle of the stable,

even with one of them she took a bite at her tummy!! there shouldn't be many flies around out there as its night time and raining!! WOW that was a realy big breath or something then! hmm LOL
I finally got to see her on camera. She looks sweet.
haha thank you Vickie,

it has been a hard road with her, she had very big trust issues, but with some love care and attention she is turning into a very sweet and curious little mare and loves to be around you

headed to bed now... will have barn alarm up just in case... she is acting a little strange... and will have the camera up...

night all
again sorry for the camera change... (gate is at the bottom)
It could be Cassie, how old was she when she had her last foal? like woman I guess, some bounce back really quick after having babies and some never go back to the size they were. My odette always looks good after foaling and she is 12 she also always has small foals but Britt just looks huge as soon as she conceives.

I have her up and will watch as much as I can tonight.
something must have moved the camera :s so out I go into the rain! will correct asap!

then BED I am so tired LOL

thanks Renee, she would have been 6/7 years old

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