Thanks girls
it was so much fun, but wow what a hectic day! we started at 5am and didn't stop till 5pm LOL we almost missed Suzie's class because we were getting Rebekahs young horse Matilda ready... here is a pic of her (not from the show yesterday) she is sooo pretty!
she got champion led riding pony yesterday,
but yeah we were getting her ready and my ring was flying through their classes then we saw all the mini ponies out there waiting so Aunty trish is like quick go get ready so I get changed while she takes Suzie's rugs off a little bit of makeup on Suz and her bridle on and we ran out to the class LOL poor Suz didn't quite know what was happening but she was such a good girl lol she trotted out so nicely for me so proud of her
I will definitley make sure we take a camera to the next show
we are hoping to go to another show at Penrith on the 25th and 26th... I have an engagement party to go to on the 25th but the mini classes are on the 26th so hopefully I can take her to that one

so much fun.
hehe Anna, it was a bit of a rushed decision LOL it wasn't decided till Saturday that we were going to take Suzie then I had to quickly wash her and we trimmed her and got her ready... I don't have internet on my phone otherwise you would have definitley known about it... naughty Cassie... sorry Ladies, I will definitley let you know the day before
( am I forgiven?)
I have a friend who wants to come and watch Suzie next time so I'll definitley get her with the camera if she does