haha thanks girls
I think she is gorgeous too
but I know many people who HATE snakes and I respect that
Anna she should grow to about 2.4-2.6m or a bit over 7 foot, so just a nice size that I can still get her out and hold her without needing another person
I love your story about people goggling you as you drive by with the snake LOL sometimes I bring Kari down to work and I walk down and people drive by really slowly and I see the kids pointing at us lol so much fun lol.
Heidi would love to hear your story
and yes we have VERY scary snakes here, I don't go anywhere near whild ones, mainly we have red belly black snakes and brown tiger snakes here, the red bellies are pretty good they are more scared and slither away but the tiger snakes you have to watch because they are very aggressive
in the middle of australia are alot of nasty snakes yuck lol I'll stick to our lovely pythons
if I was going to get another snake I would have to get one of these
they are a similar breed to kari, called a Darwin Carpet Python, their colours are just amazing!
Sarah came out and measured Suzie for me yesterday woohoo! she measured her at 84cm
or 33" which is awesome
she really loved Suzie and said that I should go really well with her which is so exciting! she loved her eyes and her conformation so I am so excited
oh and she really liked Finn to and couldn't get over his chest... lol said he has a magnificent chest LOL (not quite sure what she means by that lol but its a good thing) she wants me to get him out too, but I don't think he will be ready for any shows this season... we shall see
she has the most beautiful mini ponies! oh I have to show you a pic of her colt
he just won supreme miniature pony at Sydney royal last year he is gorgeous
I am in love with his head LOL