Nathan Luszcz
Well-Known Member
The bean is a little ball of smegma that collects in the glands penis. Just dorsal to the urethra there are two pouches. The first, the urethral fossa, is quite open and relatively easy to clean. The second is a blind pouch behind the first. This blind pouch is where the bean forms, from bacteria and secretions from the various glands in the skin of the penis. Its white, and full of bacteria and shed cells. Usually its soft and pasty, but eventually it'll harden into a rock-hard ball of junk which can put a lot of pressure on the urethra, to the point of making it difficult and painful to urinate. Stallions doing natural service keep it relatively clean just through the physical process of breeding (but think of where that bacteria goes... right into the mare. If she's healthy, fine, but if she's not..... it can cause some nasty infections, or at the very least make that paticular breeding infertile. You may never notice, because if he breeds her again he would have cleaned himself out, and she would be over the micro-infection she had). Geldings can build up nasty beans, as can non-breeding stallions. Heck, even breeding stallions can have a painful bean, some form them quicker than others. Here are a few pictures of the fossa, with a little hint of the grey bean material hiding in the back (these are from an arab stallion about to be washed for collection).
Glands 1
Glands 2
This picture is of the glands without my finger holding the tissue away... the fossa is that area around the urethra that is as you can see pretty open and easy to clean. You have to go digging a little bit for the rest of the bean, pictured above in the previous two pictures. (different arab stallion... we like our arabs here
They are wonderful teaching horses...)
Glands 3
Glands 1
Glands 2
This picture is of the glands without my finger holding the tissue away... the fossa is that area around the urethra that is as you can see pretty open and easy to clean. You have to go digging a little bit for the rest of the bean, pictured above in the previous two pictures. (different arab stallion... we like our arabs here
Glands 3
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