Clipper blades

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Cumberland, Maine
Looking at buying some new blades to start clipping everyone with. I bought a pair of Double K Clippers. I know it says it works with any A-5 blade, but just wondering what everyone's favorite brand of blades are. We've always just had Wahl clippers, so we've used the Wahl blades. I've got enough blades to do a qucik clip job on everyone's heads and necks this weekend, but I want new blades for when I start show clipping next month. Just curious what everyone else uses for blades. Looking for some that are going to stay sharp, work well with the Double K's,etc. And, where have you found the best deals on your favorite blades?

Thanks in advance!

I got some Laube's last year on sale from Schneider's and they worked great. Kind of tight going on, but worked well once on. Since they were on sale I bought quite a few over the summer so those and a few oster's are all I have. The Oster's worked great also.
I love the Master Grooming blades from

They are very affordable and I've never had a problem with them, I have all my blades sharpened at the beginning of clipping season and once more about half way through. They stand up to the wear and tear just like any other blades I've used.

Hope this helps
Any of the A5 type blades will work as long as they have been fitted to your clippers. You can do this yourself or if you take your clippers in when you either buy your blades or have them sharpened at a good dealer he will fit your blades for you. On the back of the blades there are little ears that fit over the hinge on your clippers. These need to be snug. If they don't fit tightly take a pair of pliers and very gently squeeze the ears together so that they fit more snugly. Be very careful though as you can break them!
Kim Laube blades ALL THE WAY, that is why I sell them, cause I love them..........
Thanks everyone! Very helpful! I think I'll order some Laubes and maybe a set of the Master Grooming blades and see what works best for us. And thanks for the tip Milo Mini's!!

I have the Oster, some other brand, but in general we buy the Laube and use those. I do like them the best, but in truth we've never had much problem with any blades. More owner/operator error here!
I've been a dog groomer for years and was always an Oster blade fan. However, someone convienced me to try Pet Edge's Ceramic blades and I LOVE them. Last time I looked on Pet Edge they actually had a piece you could buy for like $5 to turn any blade into a ceramic.
Laube! I bought my from Rob and it was like cutting soft butter clipping the horses! If you bath the horse and start clipping when they are still wet after you bath them and spray them with show sheen and it comes over soooo nicley!

Laube for me, they lasted a lot longer than my Andis and Wahl blades.
I use all types of blades, haven't really noticed a huge difference in any of them. Check on eBay for good prices. I have been able to get #10 blades for $9.50, which included shipping. I figure if I can get a blade on eBay for half of retail cost, then its a good deal.


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