Well-Known Member
I also like the sleek shiney color of a natural coat. Erica's example is a very good one, indeed!
As far as judges preferences go......they are all different. Some may actually knock points off if a horse comes into a class un-clipped (regardless of how good they look). While others will give both and unclipped horse and a clipped one the same consideration.
A good example of how silly some judges can be:
I once showed MayZ, a very flashy Frame/Sabino Overo filly, in a mult-color class under 3 judges.
Here is how she looked then.
She received FIRST under two judges....and the third judge gave her the gate.
I was OK with that, until I was talking with the show manager later who told me that she was so stunned that the third judge didn't even place my filly, that she asked him why. He told her he didn't place her because "who knows what she is going to look like in a few years." The show manager couldn't believe it & wanted me to know. I just shook my head. This judge evidently saw the Sabino roaning on the filly & thought she was graying out & would eventually lose her wild pattern. Well she didn't....but even if she had been a horse who was "graying out"....the judge is suppose to judge what is in front of them at the moment, and not base their decision on how they "may" look in the future! That is just ludicrous!
I just chalked it up to experience, and a good lesson to remember. When you show before a judge, you are only getting a person's "opinion" on that given day. Do not take it personally.
You have to take the good with the bad.
BTW.....this little filly went on to be unanimous Grand Champion Multi-Color Mare at the AMHA Eastern Championship Show as an adult!

As far as judges preferences go......they are all different. Some may actually knock points off if a horse comes into a class un-clipped (regardless of how good they look). While others will give both and unclipped horse and a clipped one the same consideration.
A good example of how silly some judges can be:
I once showed MayZ, a very flashy Frame/Sabino Overo filly, in a mult-color class under 3 judges.
Here is how she looked then.

She received FIRST under two judges....and the third judge gave her the gate.

BTW.....this little filly went on to be unanimous Grand Champion Multi-Color Mare at the AMHA Eastern Championship Show as an adult!