Hey Cassie - great to see you back here, we've missed you!!
Sorry have been 'missing' from here for a few days - we are having trouble with the phone lines and internet in this area right now. It seems to be working at the moment but I may 'disappear' again if they haven't properly sorted the problem out! And what a time to lose the internet, I've been so frustrated, imagining all these expected babies arriving and me not able to see or offer congratulations! Looks as though they might all have been waiting for me to become 're-connected' though LOL!!
Sending good thoughts in your direction Lexi for a safe foaling!
Sorry have been 'missing' from here for a few days - we are having trouble with the phone lines and internet in this area right now. It seems to be working at the moment but I may 'disappear' again if they haven't properly sorted the problem out! And what a time to lose the internet, I've been so frustrated, imagining all these expected babies arriving and me not able to see or offer congratulations! Looks as though they might all have been waiting for me to become 're-connected' though LOL!!
Sending good thoughts in your direction Lexi for a safe foaling!