Hi Everyone!! Wow its been awhile.......
Don't even know where to start! My good friend gave Stars Galahad his barn name, which is Jax (short for Jackson, or Jaxon). I still haven't decided on which spelling I like better, so I always just write Jax. I had 2 trainers who wanted to take him to Worlds and show him in the weanling class, but decided against sending him due to illness/stress on a 7 months old baby. He is also very different, so he is better off at home with me until I show him myself next spring. He is such a character! I am going to attach photos of him that I took after I did a 15 min clip job, and my 12 year old sister held/posed him. Not an easy task...... He is Mr. Personality.
Summer and Dove are awesome, as always! Such wonderful mares, especially our resilient little Summer.
Delight and Brave are also wonderful, Delight is such an incredible momma its just lovely to watch. Brave was very adventurous and in my opinion to adventurous! She started "running away" when it was time to go out to her paddock in the morning. She would venture off from Delight while being led so she was halter broke at an early age. Something I did not want to do, but for her own safety it was needed. Wandering to the woods and other fence lines was terrifying on our short trip to her field! She is almost 4 months old now, where does the time go? And Jax just turned 7 months yesterday.
I am also adding another broodmare who is in foal and due first couple days of March, I can hardly wait!! It will all be finalized this week as soon as her owner receives my check and contract in the mail. Cant wait to share photos and details, but she is kind of a dream come true!
Hope you enjoy my "handful" of photos!!