Co' broke dads nose

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Oh, your poor father. My dad wouldn't be so happy. Peanut does the same thing. Last night when the vet twitched Peanut to draw blood, he jerked up his head nad the metal twitch hit me in the mouth! I still have a fat lip, and a bruise on the other side!
Lol ..he was either lauphing or crying. I dont know if taking him out in public is a good idea ...w/ the splint and all. Then agian my cooking could well ..kill.
Your story made me smile. Be sure to give him tons of hugs and lovin. Then tell that Coco....what a scamp he is.
Oh dear! Well, your dad sure sounds like a good sport and a trooper, laughing after all that. I'm glad he isn't holding it against Coco. OUCH!
Was just thinking what would have happened if it had been my dad long ago!
Not sure it would have been such a funny story! I hope your dad will be fine and I am sure Coco is great at the fair.

I'm afraid I did something similar a couple of weeks ago. Had my head just over one of our mare's as she was dipping into a grain dish. Her head came up suddenly and whacked me under the chin. I still have a scar.

My hubby added to the injury by reminding me that puting yourself in such a position is a big "NO NO" and I was asking for it. <sigh>

I don't suppose your poor dad needs to be told that either......

Tell him I sympathize completly.

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I did something similar a couple of years back. Was clipping around a back foot when he slung it up and hit my lip. Got cut on my tooth and swelled up. We were at AMHR nationals and my hubby and his friend were outside the stall. Hubby said they should give me a shot of banamine, but friend just laughed and said "OK, but I ain't the one that is going to hold her down" Boy they were really sympathetic.

Hope Dad is ok and be sure to give lots of hugs (esp since you say your cooking could kill) He sure loves you.

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