COLIC need some advice please

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lucky lodge

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2009
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hi ,,,I have a mare that is pregnant.and she has colic i drench and give pain relief yesterday and this morning she is still colicy not eating and just wonting to lay down..the oil is coming out but cant find any oily poos in the paddock...please oh please any advice would be great

thanks jenny
Poor Girl...If you haven't called the vet--do it now--and hopefully he/she can help and your mini will feel better--good luck!! I hope every thing will work out.
i have every thing a vet has got i can drench i have pain relief.....what else can i do
Have the vet check her and make sure she isn't trying to abort. Don't want to scare you anything, but its a possibility. Or, the colic has gotten past the stage of drenching and pain relief being of help. [i had a mare that needed colic surgery several years ago. She didn't really show signs of discomfort or colic til it was quite advanced. She did survive and even went on to have a foal after the fact (she wasn't pg at time of colic).]
iam thinking maybe a blockage as she has not passed any poo.....should i drench her again
she is only about 1 month pregnant would she abosorb the fetus if she was aborting ..????????????
Check gum color, temp and gut sounds.

I'd forget the oil and tube with warm water and electrolytes.

Continue with pain meds and I'd begin to give something for ulcers..

If no improvement shortly I would call a vet. They will have better insight of the cause. If it's colic and is a torsion or twist tubing could be doing more harm.
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When oil doesn't move a blockage out sometimes the vet can give a stool softener that does solve the problem. I treat minor colic episodes on my own--even one rather serious impaction colic that took several days to resolve--but another colic that didn't resolve in 24 hours I did get the vet out and he then prescribed a different drug that did help to resolve the problem--I could not have gotten that particular medication without having the vet out, so calling him out was the right thing to do...even if I really couldn't afford it and even if I would have preferred to not call him out!
Agree call the vet, a million possibilities can happen and this is serious. Considering the pain management isn't working and still no signs of bowel movements, and the fact she is pregnant, I would get a professionals opinion.
You can also tube with Epsom Salts. I prefer tubing with warm water / electrolytes and not oil.

I've been through quite a few colics. Most severe required surgery.. 28" filly / 13 LB. impaction. Passing no stool for a week, vet out twice a day.. Tubing, pain meds, antibiotics, constant IV fluid drip. Even did something they don't practice too often because of the risks involved -- that was inserting 16 ga needles into her abdomen and literally deflating her like a balloon, two different times! Surgery saved her life.

Good luck. Keep us posted.
Usually a colic that leads into the next day is not a good sign. I have limited experience with minis themselves, but have years of experience with retired older horses. Some Ive lost to colic, one in particular, my favorite mare of all time, I still miss her to this day, that just about ripped my heart out for good. She had gotten an impaction stuck behind her pelvis, the vet couldnt get it around the bone with manipulation, very sad scary day, no time for surgery (probably wouldnt have anyways because its an outrages cost), euthinized an hour later. I believe from the minimal info ive read about minis and colic is that the vet cannot safety do a rectal this true? Yet I have read they are better candidates for ultrasounds as they are easier to read on a mini. I always call the vet if colic hasnt subsided within a few hours of administering banamine and walking, no use in waiting, only prolonging the inevidable and leaving the mare in pain. Thats my experience though. To each there own. Good luck! thoughts are with you and your mare...colic is such a scary and heartbreaking thing to go through.
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i dont wont to sound like i dont care but i would have to be the biggest worry wort you could meet my animals are my world

it cost about $4oo to get a vet out to drench a horse...and i can do all of that....i can even put her on a iv drip

how much does it cost to drench your horse..
i have had lots of colicy horses and the only thing australian vet will do is drench pain relief and then just keep drenching....maybe your vets are more advanced then ours
that mare come good after a few drenches ....i dont seem to panic as much when it not my horse.....i did teach the owner how to drench
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As I recall that little bottle of medicine I needed cost me around $300 (no drenching included--just the call, assessment, some blood work and medication).... That was not me being a worry wort, that was me doing what was best for the horse, getting her a medication that she needed and I didn't have access to otherwise.
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Oh no Jenny, not colic again - you do seem to be unlucky with colic type problems, poor you. Sorry, but I never mess around with any colic symptoms, the vet is straight out. If your vet seems to do nothing but offer a drench, then I would look for another vet, but maybe this is diffcult in your area?

Good luck, hope your mare improves very soon.
If it is gas colic and not severe, I might wait a bit, If it is impaction colic I get the Vet straight away. I am old, I have been doing this all my life, but I call the Vet. I am glad your horse is doing better.
i dont wont to sound like i dont care but i would have to be the biggest worry wort you could meet my animals are my world

it cost about $4oo to get a vet out to drench a horse...and i can do all of that....i can even put her on a iv drip

how much does it cost to drench your horse..
Depends on the situation, its $80 for a farm call, and then it depends on the severity of the case and length of time it takes et...Ive had clinic runs where my horse stayed over night run about $800 ...then ive had quick fixes which has run me anywhere between $150 and $300. Thats US cost. If you can do most of it yourself thats awesome! I couldnt even begin to try on my own, I can do banamine shots but thats the extent of it...however when things dont get better, impaction would my first concern :-/ ...

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