My colt is not eating this evening, seems lethargic and laying down uncharistically. I took him for a walk, and gave him a little mineral oil. How much could be effective? I just gave him about 1 teaspoon. Should I give him more or wait it out?
Ulcers could do it, early stages of almost anything that makes them feel bad can do it. I've unfortunately been through my share of colics. Will first take temp, listen for gut sounds, check manure....and just watch their behavior for awhile. Colic doesn't always present with the classic rolling and thrashing, sometimes it's mild and they are just "off". The heat can certainly make them lethargic too - does meCould there be any other ailments that could render him lethargic and non responsive to food?
Flunixin meglumine IS Banamine. Banamine is just a registered trade name.He gave him Flunixin and Banamine