To my understanding, a horse with black points absolutely cannot carry silver, or it would show, turing the mane and tail to a light color.
I bred a black and a bay and got a sorrel.....I am 100% positive of the parentage.
I bred the sorrel to a bay with some dun traits and got this filly. Again, 100% positive of parentage.
This filly looks like a silver apple to me. What in the world happened here?? :new_shocked: She does not have any dun traits that I can see yet. She is 16 days old now and still looks like she did in these half day old pics.
I bred a black and a bay and got a sorrel.....I am 100% positive of the parentage.
I bred the sorrel to a bay with some dun traits and got this filly. Again, 100% positive of parentage.
This filly looks like a silver apple to me. What in the world happened here?? :new_shocked: She does not have any dun traits that I can see yet. She is 16 days old now and still looks like she did in these half day old pics.