Color Me Dumb - Checking the Like This Button

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Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2011
Reaction score
Arlington, WA
I about fell off my chair laughing at HGFarm's comment in the 'husband appreciation' thread. So I clicked the "Like This" button. ...uhhh, what does that button do? Thanks.
It's basically letting someone know that you 'like' or appreciate their comment without necessarily having to respond on their post to tell them. When you pushed the icon, she received a notification letting her know that someone liked what she said.
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Thank you. When we moved out to rural area, we had no internet (well, o.k. we had dial-up but.... I quit trying to use that really quick.) So I've been offline since 2009; everything's changed and sometimes my patience meter pegs, and I get tired of figuring out things that are probably commonplace to other people.
On my iPhone the like this button shows up as just a little box with a check mark in it....and sometimes when I scroll down I think I have touched the box I think some people may have gotten "like" notifications for posts that I perhaps did not like at all! I have clicked on a couple deliberately, but some were accidents.
Glad you enjoyed the comment, lol I was just glad when he left.

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