Hiya! So basically, i've watched this forum/website for quite some time now.. since my mother and I first got minis in 2010, actually. I've always been too intimidated to make an account, though. But now that I have, I felt I should formally introduce myself.
I'm Keaton, 15 years old and my mother and I got into mini horses 3 years ago, and ever since then we've sort of been in too deep. No one warned me about the term "If you get one, you either won't have that one in a month, or you'll have 30 more the next time i see you". We started off with Three, and now we have 8. We live on 2 acres of land, the horses reside on one. It's plenty for them, and they seem to enjoy it and be quite happy with it. We do not show them, breed them, or drive them. They are simply 'hobby horses'. Although if I may say, a few have potential for anything.
My mom doesn't really mind too much about the colours of her horses, as shes older and they are just her hobby horses, as I said. But I on the other hand am completely obsessed with knowing what each and every one of their colours are. Well i've closed in and locked down on almost all of my horses colours, due to the fact that they are blatantly obvious: Silver bay, black pinto, silver pinto, sorrel pinto, appaloosa, bay, and palomino.
Buuuutt.... One horse i have yet to lock down on, our 9 y/o, 32'' Mare, Tori. Our head/boss mare.. leader of the herd. She's registered in the AMHA as a Grulla... but uh.. i've seen my fair share of grullas, and she isnt one. As a matter of fact, i'm not sure how they even got away with registering her as such. But oh well, idiots will be idiots, i suppose.
The ''problem'' with tori is that she changes colour. She's pitch black under her mane and on her legs, and when it's late summer-early fall, she turns pitch black, Like this:
When she grows her winter coat, she goes a semi-dark brown with an orange tinted muzzle and eye area: (we still aren't sure what was going on with her face that year... that mark was there til she shed out!)
In the early spring/summer, she sheds out very dark brown, black pretty much with Light orange around her Flank, Belly, "armpits'', Muzzle and joints:
Mid ways through summer, She gets a sort of.. brindle pattern on her chest and neck. Whilst the rest of her body has made it's way to a bay colour.. sooty bay maybe:
(here you can see clearly the brindling pattern on her chest):
Now what i've always thought is that she was a smokey black, but now im thinking a seal bay/brown? Cause she never loses the mealy orange muzzle, it's just always there. Sometimes it turns to a mouse grey color late late fall.
No one really knows what color she was born, but they know that she's only ever thrown black foals.. from what i'm told anyways. I'd just really like to know for sure what colour she is.. just so it will stop getting me a headache when i see her. Sorry for dumping her all over you guys, but you are my last hopes, and i know how good you all are at picking colors apart!
I'm Keaton, 15 years old and my mother and I got into mini horses 3 years ago, and ever since then we've sort of been in too deep. No one warned me about the term "If you get one, you either won't have that one in a month, or you'll have 30 more the next time i see you". We started off with Three, and now we have 8. We live on 2 acres of land, the horses reside on one. It's plenty for them, and they seem to enjoy it and be quite happy with it. We do not show them, breed them, or drive them. They are simply 'hobby horses'. Although if I may say, a few have potential for anything.
My mom doesn't really mind too much about the colours of her horses, as shes older and they are just her hobby horses, as I said. But I on the other hand am completely obsessed with knowing what each and every one of their colours are. Well i've closed in and locked down on almost all of my horses colours, due to the fact that they are blatantly obvious: Silver bay, black pinto, silver pinto, sorrel pinto, appaloosa, bay, and palomino.
Buuuutt.... One horse i have yet to lock down on, our 9 y/o, 32'' Mare, Tori. Our head/boss mare.. leader of the herd. She's registered in the AMHA as a Grulla... but uh.. i've seen my fair share of grullas, and she isnt one. As a matter of fact, i'm not sure how they even got away with registering her as such. But oh well, idiots will be idiots, i suppose.
The ''problem'' with tori is that she changes colour. She's pitch black under her mane and on her legs, and when it's late summer-early fall, she turns pitch black, Like this:

When she grows her winter coat, she goes a semi-dark brown with an orange tinted muzzle and eye area: (we still aren't sure what was going on with her face that year... that mark was there til she shed out!)

In the early spring/summer, she sheds out very dark brown, black pretty much with Light orange around her Flank, Belly, "armpits'', Muzzle and joints:

Mid ways through summer, She gets a sort of.. brindle pattern on her chest and neck. Whilst the rest of her body has made it's way to a bay colour.. sooty bay maybe:

(here you can see clearly the brindling pattern on her chest):

Now what i've always thought is that she was a smokey black, but now im thinking a seal bay/brown? Cause she never loses the mealy orange muzzle, it's just always there. Sometimes it turns to a mouse grey color late late fall.
No one really knows what color she was born, but they know that she's only ever thrown black foals.. from what i'm told anyways. I'd just really like to know for sure what colour she is.. just so it will stop getting me a headache when i see her. Sorry for dumping her all over you guys, but you are my last hopes, and i know how good you all are at picking colors apart!