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MiLo Minis

Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2004
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ON Canada
I better clarify! Not new to me - just a new roan! I sent my fillies papers in to the AMHR to update her from temporary to permanent status. Her sire is listed on her papers as a grey and her dam as a buckskin which they are. Her sire was born a sorrel sabino that greyed out. Dream is a sorrel sabino and was listed as grey on her original papers so I changed it to sorrel sabino when I sent the update in. They came back to me as RED ROAN!

This is her in her show coat


And this is her in her winter coat which is one of the pictures I sent for her new registration papers which DID NOT get used!!! Correct me if I am wrong but I thought they were going to scan the pictures onto the papers from now on???


ROAN she is NOT!!! I would have preferred even if they had put her down as sorrel - at least they would have had the base colour correct.
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Oh I had a pink horse as well :)

It was the red gene with a silver gene and sabino thrown into the mix love those pink horses even if they do want to call her a red roan
Oh don't get me wrong I LOVE my little pink horse! :bgrin When I bought her as a foal I actually had no idea exactly what colour she was as it is hard to tell from some pictures and her sire is grey so there was the possibility that she could have greyed out but at 3 it is now quite certain she is not grey but she sure as heck is NOT roan either! LOL I have seen pictures of her sire when he was a foal and he is where the sabino colouring comes from. Dream is a half sister to threeC's (on the forum here) mare Dinah who is also a sorrel sabino - they could almost be twins!
Actually, Lori, GT is not a grey, in spite of what his papers say. His grey appearance is sabino. He has never sired a grey foal except out of a grey mare, and if he were grey he'd have had grey foals by now.
We've got two red roans, one a pinto, and one a solid. Depending on the time of year........their coats have a grayish hue with red tips on the hairs in winter, and they really are a silvery pink when clipped. They both have flaxen manes and tails, as it looks like your horse does.

Lisa described them very well

Oh I had a pink horse as well :)It was the red gene with a silver gene and sabino thrown into the mix love those pink horses even if they do want to call her a red roan
Oh I had a pink horse as well :)

It was the red gene with a silver gene and sabino thrown into the mix love those pink horses even if they do want to call her a red roan
I have one of those too!! Very accurate description. Mine just happens to be a half-sister through the sire to Lori's mare. You know I admire her, Lori! No matter what color she is!
We've got two red roans, one a pinto, and one a solid. Depending on the time of year........their coats have a grayish hue with red tips on the hairs in winter, and they really are a silvery pink when clipped. They both have flaxen manes and tails, as it looks like your horse does.

Lisa described them very well

Oh I had a pink horse as well :)It was the red gene with a silver gene and sabino thrown into the mix love those pink horses even if they do want to call her a red roan
That is true that some roans appear pink depending on the amount of white in their coat but their head and legs are always darker red which Dream doesn't have - she truly is not a roan. She also has the typical white of a sabino on her face extending onto her chin. They must have at least one parent that is roan as well from what I understand and neither her sire nor dam is roan.

Thanks Minimor! You have just confirmed what I have always suspected - GT is in fact sabino NOT grey! I have never seen him in person and pictures are hard to tell sometimes. I did see a photo of him as a foal and he was definitely sabino then. Mary Ann is not great with colours and so she calls him grey and his clipped pictures of him as an older horse make it difficult to be sure.

Does anyone know about the pictures that are supposed to be getting put on the registration papers? I was under the impression that we now HAD to submit pictures along with their registration and they would put them on the papers just like the AMHA and yet when I sent in her registration along with pictures it came back with NO PICTURES!!!
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Thanks Minimor! You have just confirmed what I have always suspected - GT is in fact sabino NOT grey! I have never seen him in person and pictures are hard to tell sometimes. I did see a photo of him as a foal and he was definitely sabino then. Mary Ann is not great with colours and so she calls him grey and his clipped pictures of him as an older horse make it difficult to be sure.
GT is registered as a red roan with AMHA. I don't think either registry uses the term sabino? My sabino GT daughter is registered with AMHA as a red roan, and with R as a strawberry roan.
Pictures for AMHR was not starting till January 2007, so if you got yours back already, must of been before January of the New Year sent in.
I was in a hurry when I posted before, I didn't get around to saying I do like Dream! I've seen a little sister of hers that looked quite impressive at the time too, very nice mover from what I saw.

I also didn't get around to saying that I also have a pink GT offspring, only mine is a gelding. He was pale pink as a weanling, and kind of an orangey-pink now as a 4 year old, very much a sabino roan. Someone registered him as "grey" but he isn't... :lol: Yes, Mary Ann is not good with colors and she is the first one that admits it! Since he's a gelding and not going to be shown I haven't bothered to correct his papers. This is Stormy as a yearling...I guess we haven't taken any other photos of him since then. Tsk.


While I was doing chores I was counting up our GT offspring and we have 5--Stormy is the only real sabino one, then there are two silver bays and two silver blacks....yes, GT also carries the silver gene.
I was in a hurry when I posted before, I didn't get around to saying I do like Dream! I've seen a little sister of hers that looked quite impressive at the time too, very nice mover from what I saw.

I also didn't get around to saying that I also have a pink GT offspring, only mine is a gelding. He was pale pink as a weanling, and kind of an orangey-pink now as a 4 year old, very much a sabino roan. Someone registered him as "grey" but he isn't... :lol: Yes, Mary Ann is not good with colors and she is the first one that admits it! Since he's a gelding and not going to be shown I haven't bothered to correct his papers. This is Stormy as a yearling...I guess we haven't taken any other photos of him since then. Tsk.


While I was doing chores I was counting up our GT offspring and we have 5--Stormy is the only real sabino one, then there are two silver bays and two silver blacks....yes, GT also carries the silver gene.

Oh oh oh!!! That has to be my little Peach!!!! I HAVE to get that little girlie HOME!!!! Now you just stay away from her :lol: I do love those GT babies too! Beautiful movers!!! Won't Peach and Dream make one awesome team!!!

When I asked MaryAnn what colour Dream was she said "uhmmmmm......maybe greyish sorrel or something....." :lol: When I got her home I realized she was sabino but didn't know about the silver! That would explain the really flaxen mane and tail though. After I got Dream I started looking at other get to get a better idea of her true colour but I don't care really what colour she is. I LOVE her temperament and the way she is put together and how she moves. I have her in harness now and am just delighted!!! I just wish the registries would recognize ALL the colours to make it easier for people.
I just got this mare and her AMHR papers say "red roan", however I have two blue roans and she is not a red roan by anything I can find. I suspect she is a red sabino. We bred her to my golden palomino stallion, who is out of a red stallion (AF Goldstryke) and a cremello mare. Any suggestions on what we should expect?????

Also should I try and correct her color on her papers with AMHR when I transfer her to me? If so, what would they accept?


Chestnut sabinos come back as red roan or chestnut roan - sabino is not accepted. Watch my avatar for a miniute and you'll see a chestnut sabino with pinto level expression - he's registered as an "red roan pinto" by ASPC - the bay sabino in my avatar is registered as a "bay roan". If they have roaning ASPC/AMHR is going to call them a roan - it doesn't matter what causes the roaning (true roan, sabino, rabicano, leopard).

Yes Lori, I was meaning your little Peach. Pooey. I had my eye on that one, only I wasn't really shopping, and I had no money to be shopping with anyway, then when awhile later I did try to wheedle a deal out of Mary Ann she said someone else had got in first. Pooey. She is a little cutie, and like I said, looks to be a real nice mover. I'm sure you will be pleased.
Yes Lori, I was meaning your little Peach. Pooey. I had my eye on that one, only I wasn't really shopping, and I had no money to be shopping with anyway, then when awhile later I did try to wheedle a deal out of Mary Ann she said someone else had got in first. Pooey. She is a little cutie, and like I said, looks to be a real nice mover. I'm sure you will be pleased.
thank you! She is the spitting image of Dream as a weanling so it is really nice to hear that she can move too! I am very excited about her.

[SIZE=14pt]This is my mare that I call a strawberry roan....... She is a LOT redder in the winter months...[/SIZE]

Your "red roan" is really a very pretty sabino as well. See that tell tale white chin! I bet she has mottling on her face or privates as well?

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