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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2002
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The problem with living out in the back of beyond is really aggravating sometimes.

Everytime it rains or its windy latelyI lose my phone. I make a lot of my living with my phone. I can never tell when it will go out. The phone company says I have to call them when its not working or they can't fix it. I say how can I call you with no phone? Well don't you have a cell phone? No cell phones will not work out here of course they will work, ours will, no Verizon phones will not work in New Hampton, because of the mountains, very very snippy I don't think I believe that.

Hey you know all I want is my phone to work. WELL I will put in a work order for Tuesday maybe but doubt they can do anything.


And thanks for listening

I too find that a lot of big companies are very short tempered and snippy lately ,...and it seems every year that it gets worse.

Even if they make a mistake they usually NEVER admit it,....they just try to turn the blame around on you!!

not all but,..some of them!

Hope you get your phone problem solved,...A phone is the most important communication assistant there is.
Sorry, but I have to laugh a bit. When I lived in Winthrop, WA (next to the N. Cascades), it took weeks for us to even get a phone line although when we moved in their company had just disconnected the line for the previous owners. Until they got our line set up we were driving 40 minutes one way into "town" every day to use the only pay phone there to call our cell phone answering services. Of course our VERIZON cell phones would not work up there except off and on in isolated spots off the road that we were unaware of for quite some time.

While living in Winthrop we had NO TV (not even one local channel) so we rented movies in town every week until we ran out of options. The only radio station we got was local, played OLD COUNTRY and spent the majority of every day spreading worthless town gossip. Our locally provided Internet service was a joke, at best. To top it off, most of the people in "town" disliked newcomers and even better yet, they hated the people we were buying the house from and thought we were "friends." Little did they know, NOTHING could have been further from the truth as that woman truly wore the pants in her family and was just plain NUTS!

Isn't small town life FUN?!
People now a days are just plain rude.

I had an issue with my benefits company, didn't get a paycheck. I called to find out why and the lady that answered the phone LAUGHED! How rude! Even though they had received several phone calls from folks with the same wasn't THEIR fault, it was each of our banks.
I have the same problem, when the phone goes out, I have to drive 14 miles into town to get a signal, then they want me to test the line, I usually get demanding right up front and let them know what I am doing just to reach them!

If I get a really rude person, I hang up and call again, and let them know about the last person I spoke to. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. Oh well.....
:aktion033: :aktion033:

They tell me it is fixed it was on their end bad something or other on the pole!!!!!!!


Now hope it stays fixed!


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