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Well-Known Member
May 9, 2007
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I think we all love giving and receiving compliments. It is a good feeling and one that needs to be shared.

I would like to start by leaving one compliment for someone. Please as you read leave another and let's see how many deserving people we can give warm fuzzies to. And certainly if you see someone left out, come back and leave more compliments.

KayKay ~ I am amazed by your thoughtfulness and wisdom. You blow me away by coming up with such well thought out and well written advice to everyone. btw....I love your blog too! I think you are one of the smartest and most creative people on the forum...and there are many others here who are smart and creative, so it puts you up there with the best of the best!
Cheers to that, I always like reading Kay kays advise , its smart , sensible , and fair.
Leeana -- (who is at Nationals and may not see this for awhile), I am so impressed with the horsewoman you are becoming and with the herd of horses you have put together. You have learned so much and are someone I am proud to have as a friend.
Charley this is an awesome thread!

Susanne, I would like to compliment you on the wonderful job you have done training Mingus and giving such a wonderful caring home to Scarlet, Flash, and Thelonious. You are taking Mingus to his well deserved life of great driving horse. A life that he obviously excels at.

I would also like to thank you for being a friend who puts up with all my quirks and the trials I am going thru these days. My wish is that someday Darrell will be able to video tape you and I in our carts with our horses racing around the track pushing them to excel at what we know they were bred to do.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

To the other forum members, thank you all for looking at photos when I post them, and reading the silly and fun poems I write and post from time to time. Bless you all for being there!
Marty,,,,, makes me laugh! She has had more than anyone should have to deal with in her life. But always is making life nicer for other people and animals. Her stories about home make me smile, since I do some of the same things. She makes me look at my life and make sure I appreciate it.
I would like to thank Cindy Moses of Mocha Miniatures for being a breeder who really does put the well being of her horses over anything else.

I can't choose just one

Marty, you are such a caring person and even in rough times you keep things light and humorous

Jill, You have always answered my questions with honesty and are always willing to help.

Charlene, You are one of the strongest woman I have "never" met in person lol
Seriously you inspire me

And lastly, Maplegum, You are extremely talented. You LOVE your horses for just being themselves. I don't think you could love them more even if they won a national title for you
And I think you would be a great friend to have in real life
It's too bad we live so far apart
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Wow thank you so much Charley and Krissy!
You ladies have made my day! I love your blog too Charley.

I have to thank Ohhorsepee for always being there for me and having such a great sense of humor to keep me laughing even when I dont always feel like laughing

And Getitia. She is such a wealth of information and has taught me so much over the years. I know she hasnt had much time to post lately but when she does she always has the best wisdom and advice. Im so lucky to live near her and get to show with her all summer!

I would like to compliment all of you I have met at shows throughout the USA. You are always so kind and offer so much support. I really think the reason I got over being so sick this past spring is all the support I got from my friends nd extended family - many of who are on here. I am able to do what I do because of all of you.

Mark Bullington
Leia (hobbyhorse23)- Thanks for all the advice you've given me on stifle surgery. I don't think I would've done it without you stating all the great facts about it (and you recently having yours done). Its made a world of difference for my little guy!
This thread is TOUGH. There are just so many people here I respect and admire.

Marty for her humour and courage

Charlene for her strength

and RabiitFizz for giving everyone such sensible advice based on what is obviously a great deal of personal experience.

I know there are many others I have not mentioned who make LB the best place to hang out. The people who thro there willingness to share their knowledge and their generosity of spirit make life a little bit better for the other members here.

I applaud you all
Oh how nice! This is an awesome thread!!

Thank you Kay!

And I thank you Kay for being there for me as well. For being inspiring and a good listener. And for letting me run in your pasture hollaring "here Patches" early in the mornng. LOL Loved it!

Thank you Ronaele!!
I'm always ready for a call.
You are too kind!

Thanks to Getitia for being herself. Gracious and honest. A true lady.

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I would like to compliment Mark Bullington on his professional abilities as an announcer - I have announced some horse shows over the years - and the audience truly has no idea how complicated that job can be. Information is coming at you from all sides... numbers flying around... names that are impossible... corrections... scratches... you need to watch what is happening in the ring at all times... and Mark handles it all so smoothly!

There are so many people to choose from - so at the moment I think you all need a hug...


And a special thanks to Mary Lou for her patience and help... for all of us!

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Dont gots a bad bone in her body. You want a friend, well, Dont skip over Fran.
Tagalong -
Thank you very much. I appreciate that you understand this job. It does look easier than it really is. But you meet really wonderful people in this job. 99% of the people Sharon and I hang out with on a regular basis are folks we meet or have met at horse shows. They are just a great extended family.

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I like a lot of people on here and hope to someday meet many of them. I really like Kathryn "Anoki". I've met her, and she's such a nice person. She is also the mommy to one of my kittens, "Misfit". Also, Stacy "Minimama" seems like a great person. I talked with her briefly on the phone during a kitty "crisis" (kitty missed the flight to SoCal :DOH! ).

Also, I marvel at Jill. Often I'll see that she's posted at 5:30am (do you sleep?). I can't imagine how full her days are with her business, all her horses, etc. Yet she always has time for people wanting advice or a favour (lookup etc.). She seems to have boundless energy and enthusiasm. She is an example to me.

Oh and I can't forget the guys: Russ and Adam! Adam's too funny; I love our run-on conversations that we've had (usually at night). Russ is such a nice guy. We have similar taste in horses. Hopefully I'll meet both sometime.

So many more. Those are just a few off the top of my head.
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Tagalong -
Thank you very much. I appreciate that you understand this job. It does look easier than it really is. But you meet really wonderful people in this job. 99% of the people Sharon and I hang out with on a regular basis are folks we meet or have met at horse shows. They are just a great extended family.
Yes - people tend to think that all you do is sit there on your butt and talk - only that is not the case... so much more goes into it. The gate may be talking at you or the ring steward or the show office or all of them at once... and in the meantime one class is coming in on the rail and another is leaving and there is a gate hold from now til forever and the lunch break has evaporated and it looks like the dinner one will too [SIZE=8pt]and you really have to get to the bathroom at some point[/SIZE]
... and a horse in the next class is called Green Meadows Wofrtghyzrxftt and just how on earth do you say that - phonetically ??!!

Do you do the music as well? That makes things even more complicated!!

Do not underestimate Mark, folks!
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Yes awesome thread!

Thanks to everyone that has posted on my threads it feels so good to have someone respond especially when you are posting about your very own horses and people reply with a positive word about them.

Thanks to Jill for posting on almost every thread as well as PMing special advice when needed. This forum feels so empty when Jill isn't on.

Thanks to ML for creating THE MOST FANTASTIC web site on the internet. I have NEVER found another like it!!!!!

Thanks to Songcatcher for posting with his knowledge of color genetics.

Thanks for all the really special people on the forums that keep me laughing, crying, growing in knowledge, getting skinny, being inspirered and caring for people all over the world.

Thanks to the crafty people for posting there crafts esspecially Crabby Chicken just love her art work.

Isn't it something what a little horse can do!!!! And a great web site.
I want to thank Robin (REO) for always answering my continual questions and guiding me through the start of my new mini venture!

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