Confession Time!

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Do you wear your pajamas to do your morning chores?

  • Yes, frequently

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  • Yes, occasionally

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  • NOT HARDLY! Are you kidding???

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Every morning, I am in my jammies.. Bed head, no make up.. Mid night runs the same way.. I really don't have neighbors, but we live right off of a road.. Hey if they don't like the way I look, then don't look at me..
: The only one I have to be careful is with our landlord.. I've caught him laughing at me, looking down at my jammies. I guess seeing a 30 something woman in her jammies first thing in the morning is funny for a man in his 70's. He's due back from Fla, have to start watching again. As long as I get to the barn before 7:30, then I am done before he shows up to his equip barns by 8:00. But he is awsome, as he loves our little ones.. I've caught him talking to them and it is so cute..

When I go out to the minis with my hair and make-up done, it is like they don't know me..
: It takes them a min to figure out I'm the same person..

Hey if I would have neighbors, they sure would have gotten an eye full yesterday!!!! :eek: I end up having a lot of wierd things happen to me, so I am so glad no neighbors..

edited to say never tried the T shirt and undie thing-- I have back luck as it is.. That would really scare anyone out of their wits..
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Oh yes, definitely.

My jammies are an oversized Tshirt and I just slip on a pair of sweats and depending on the weather an appropriate jacket and off I go.

I even do this at shows. I love feeding the horses and having my first cup of coffee to the happy munching of horses. This is my down time at shows. I get up before any of the others and just have quiet time feeding, drinking coffee and picking stalls. Best time of the day!

Sorry folks, I am what I am.
LOL! This thread has been soooo funny! I didn't expect all the additional "confessions" besides the original question! I've gotten a pretty good laugh from a few of them! :new_rofl:

I'm just glad to know I'm in good company with the jammies and chores thing! :aktion033:
Oh that Annette, she's putting you on.

Sweat pants nothing......

I saw her at a show early one morning feeding in her oversize tee shirt and a thong.......... :risa_suelos: :risa_suelos: :risa_suelos:
Yes, in the summer, and I am disgusing about it too.

I go out to feed with bed hair, my nightshirt pinned with diaper pins here and there because of all the holes in them, tube socks, combat boots, vericose veins showing, and loose ****s flopping in the wind.

What do I care?

I'm stunning in my very own special way. :eek:

Ohh that is too funny! :new_rofl:

I must admitt, I have been known to 'steal your look' from time to time.
I don't go out in jammies....but I have my comfies that if I'm home that's what I'm in! Winter it's sweats, and in the summer T-shirt and shorts. Hate to wear a bra unless I absolutely have to(and I'm not small, we're talking double D's having their way with the world!). So don't come unannounced or you'll get more than you bargained for! If the neighbors catch me and want to talk over the fence it's with arms crossed! :bgrin
Yes, in the summer, and I am disgusing about it too.

I go out to feed with bed hair, my nightshirt pinned with diaper pins here and there because of all the holes in them, tube socks, combat boots, vericose veins showing, and loose ****s flopping in the wind.

What do I care?

I'm stunning in my very own special way. :eek:

Marty I am your twin living here in ID I do morning and night time checks in PJ's and worse is I do have a house next door to me and then of course live on a fairly busy street :new_shocked:

Oh well they surely dont have to look
Always in my Pjs.

One time when I still had full size horses, I had a sick 1/4 horse. Gave him a shot of Pennicillan and he had a terrible reaction. He suddenly looked at me lie he was saying "what did you just do to me?" Then he started to quiver all over then shake and I thought he was going to fall, so stupidly I tried to catch him and keep him standing. THEN I realized that I was in my PJs. Cherry red step in type, snaps up the front, cow print black and white sleeves, with cartoon cows on the front wearing cowboy boots and hats.

All I could think of, they are going to find me squashed by this horse and when the pull me out from under him, I will be wearing my really hideous( but much loved) cow print pajamas.

In the ice storms, I wear my barn coat, muck boots, pajamas( usually shorty pjs because I am short and all the bottoms are too long and drag in the mud.), and my riding helmet to protect my head in case of a fall.... I have fallen so often and cracked my head enough!

My foaling pics are horrendous, not to be shown to anyone, the way I dress, shorty PJs and ski hats, muck boots.
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Yes I don't have the kind of freedom the rest of you do. Marty and Robin...I laughed so hard at the visual.....espcially Robin in the red footy pajamas with the cartoon cows on the front and the cow print sleeves wearing a cowboy hat and cowboy boots. I will do it but brush my hair and put it in a pony tail and only on days where I thought what I was wearing could be worn in public also - pajama pants, flannal pants, sweat pants, that sort of thing so I didn't think people realized I had "pajamas" on until the high school cheerleaders I coach bought me cute pink boxer shorts and tank top with horses on them and told me if I'm going to run around in my pajamas at the barn I should at least look cute. We live on a fairly busy road which is the route to the schools which are two miles away and the route for people heading to work. I am usually out between 7 and 7:30 and the high school starts at 7:30AM and people are on the way to work and when the crossroads stoplight about 1/2 mile away is red or a train is going by and the crossbars are down the traffic stops and is backed up beyond our property so not only are people driving by constantly, often they are at a dead stop with nothing to do but watch me or look at the horses. I've often thought instead of a lemonade stand on our property the kids should have a coffee stand in the morning. I bet they would make a lot of money. I've been honked at a lot and sometimes someone that knows me will pull into the barn driveway to say HI or talk.
I LIVE in my pjs! If I'm not planning to leave the house till say, 3pm, I don't get dressed until like, 2:30. I've been known to change from one pair of pjs to another set cause I wore them all day and want a clean pair for bed! I live in an apartment building now and i will go for the mail or the laundry room in my pjs (wearing a big sweater so nobody notices I'm not wearing a bra LOL)

And YES, I've had the vet over while I was wearing my pjs. Pjs and big black rubber boots.

Does anybody else wear rubber boots and a bikini to bathe horses though? Thats a sight my neighbors must love I'm sure lol and yes, they can see me no problem. I'm not ashamed.
definite no on that one since i don't wear jammies... :new_shocked: my girls have been known to feed in their jammies if they get the morning shift... usually it's mine and they do evenings when they are home, because they have to go to school so early. but if they have a day off school and i don't get the holiday from work, they will do my shift for me...

hubby does not come into play with this issue because of his severe allergies, he would literally be taking his life in his hands to feed... in fact i have to admit to envying those of you who can go out to say goodnights to the animals in jammies... i would never be able to climb in bed with animal hair on my jammies or risk making him sick.
however i do have my feeding clothes, an old pair of jeans and t-shirt or sweatshirt depending on weather, then i immediately change into other clothes unless we are doing other chores on the property. been putting up fence recently to LIVING in my feeding clothes when i am not at work...
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Marty and Karla LOL, you two are just amazing!!!!! :lol:

I think it is about time we have a lil'beginnings convention or a 'small' LB-get-together ...not that there is anything 'small' about lilbeginnings LOL ..i think we are the largest forum out there :lol: :lol: :new_shocked:

Well, heck...I earn most of my income without getting dressed...

Through my freelance, graphic design work, that is...

While they aren't really jammies, I spend the vast majority of my time in sweats and soft, cotton shorts and t-shirts and sweatshirts. This past winter I bought this wonderful green/black buffalo plaid flannel and polar fleece coat. I got it waaay oversized, so it doesn't go off the property, but it is truly like wearing a sleeping bag...the most comfortable thing I own. Yay, comfort clothing!

My hair lives its own life on top of my head...if I just leave it alone, it leaves me alone. Brush it and I have a battle on my hands...

Keith can often be seen mucking out the barn in his bathrobe or boxers...but then, no one can see us here...
I envy those of you who can wear jammies to the barn in the winter but I had to say occasionally because I wear a nightgown to bed and have been know to pull sweats on under it and my Carhart overalls over it and with the barn jacket head off to the barn. Why put on cold clothes when the nightgown is so warm already. Summer may find me there in a nightgown sometimes though or a Tshirt oversized and pair of jeans just pulled on. As for neighbors seeing none are close enough except Jodi and her family and guess theyve seen me in worse. This does remind me though my 14 yr old grandson loves to run around in just his boxers and I told him the next time he comes to my house in the morning with just his boxers on he will find me some morning in his house in my bra and undies. He hasnt been here in just boxers since. LOL Guess I scared him too much.
Karla and Marty you to woke my hubby up :new_shocked: :eek: . I was laughing so hard he wanted to know what was going on.
: You're right barns can be used for more than just housing animals! :risa8: :new_rofl:

I've been caught going to or from the barn in my jammies by people driving down our lane. We don't have any neighbors close enough to see me and you can't see the house or barn (except hay mow and roof) from the road.

Sandy I know just what you mean about crossing your arms. :new_shocked:
This is the funniest thread ever!

Marty I can not get that visual out of my head! That is the best ever! :new_rofl: :new_rofl: :new_rofl:

I am going to admit that I too live in my jim jams! I do not have neighbours close enough to see so I figure I should be fairly safe going out to do chores!

If I am not going anywhere, why create more washing? I already have enough with two small boys and my husband!

I HAVE to put on clean jim jams after my PM shower though, I am too fussy to go to bed in dirty ones.

What I want to know though, is what do you all do if you happen to get that unexpected visitor in your jammies??? I do not have friends close enough to visit, but I do get the odd visitor like the three little old men (Jehovah's Witness's) who turned up the other day!

I am so paranoid about getting caught out in my PJ's at 3.00pm in the afternoon! :eek:
What I want to know though, is what do you all do if you happen to get that unexpected visitor in your jammies??? I do not have friends close enough to visit, but I do get the odd visitor like the three little old men (Jehovah's Witness's) who turned up the other day!

I am so paranoid about getting caught out in my PJ's at 3.00pm in the afternoon! :eek:

I just ignore the fact that I am in jammies and they are usually too shocked and horrified to comment.
You should have added...does anyone do them in their birthday suit? You would have nearly had me click on that one. You see, the other afternoon, one of our pregnant mares was laying flat out in the sunshine and I was getting ready to go out to dinner so had just gotten out of the shower. She is a maiden mare so I am a little nervous with her anyway. Have her due in early May but I have learned to expect the unexpected. Anyhow, I grabbed the binoculars to see if she was just sleeping and with my grand eyesight, I thought she might be having contractions. I ran in circles trying to find some clothes and seriously considered running out there in my birthday suit! Good thing I didn't because, as I was out there checking her, the "hottie" FedEx driver drove up the driveway to deliver a package! Would have been my luck. :bgrin
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