Congratulations to the DM Horses

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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[SIZE=14pt]After the hoopla before nationals about the quickly trained horse.... I just wanted to congratulate Don Maas and all the DM family on their wonderful National top ten and not sure about championships but I believe there were some...... Their driving horses were superb! I know they wont toot their own horn and I just wanted to say the horses did awesome and in the few classes that I watched seemed like Monkey did his share of winning as well as Dancer....[/SIZE]

They did have a wonderful show and that funky monkey, monkey love or whatever monkey he is ( we joked about his name so often and all the wonderful names that could come from it I dont remember what it really is)
LOL is quite the powerhouse .

Of course Sunny did very well (or as Raven calls him Fetus's daddy) winning his share of classes and of course Dancer did amazing to.

For anyone who is not VERY CLEAR on there training methods let me say this..

not only did there horses do very well but.. Dancer has wonderful ground manners (the only one of them I worked or spent time with) Everyone who drove her only had wonderful things to say about how easy to drive she was and how willing to please she is. She sure seemed to love her driving classes.

Not only did they have a wonderful show (one of many) but they are very nice people who not only made me laugh but.. who I really learned alot from as well.

so yes

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[SIZE=18pt]I have to second all of Lyn's comments. The Maas's horses were amazing at Nationals this year. I am thrilled that Dancer is coming to Idaho. I was promised that I get to drive her and I can't wait! [/SIZE]

i only got to talk to russ for a few mins when i went and saw lisas new mare. What a down to earth kind of guy! Horses all looked great. I heard so many great things about lisas mare while i was there and cant wait to hear of lisas adventures with her.

Russ was even classy enough to laugh about the whole forum incident
Have not met them but i have heard wonderful things about them and there horses, i will have to meet them next year

Congratulations and dont be modest, you deserve all those big titles!!! :aktion033: :aktion033:
They were just SPECTACULAR! I just loved the roadster horse, (Sonny?) he was one of the most impressive animals there, IMHO!! I couldn't take my eyes off of him. I make sure I saw all of the roadster classes just to see this horse. Wowzers..... IMPRESSIVE.

I will jump in and say, this is one hecka of a family and I was proud of their National wins!
Sonny, Dancer my favorite bay mare
: and the famous Monkey along with all the other D.M. horses that had a great national show/ show season.
: It's getting harder to keep these Maas bred horses a midwest secret.....the tradition of success just keeps getting better every year.

I learned so much this summer from Don and especially Russ at it in our talks or watching them in the showring or at their annual sale. They are the REAL DEAL
: ....honest, down to earth GOOD hearted people with a true gift in breeding/showing miniature horses. The knowledge these 2 guys have about horses is better than any book you could ever read...if you get a chance to talk to up your ears and listen.

I can see the sparkle in Don and Russ's eyes every time they head in the show ring and drive(that kinda sparkle kids get on Christmas morning)'s really neat to witness as it's obvious how much they enjoy what they do and it comes from the heart. I felt the same way in each show I did this year.....the one thing I will NEVER forget is.....loving what you do.....I see it in them each and every show and that is where the seed of true SUCCESS grows and prospers. THANKS again, Russ and Don and the Maas family. Russ thanks for all the help and for the laughs. I am glad to have met you and call you all friends AND proud to be part of the Maas connection with my new filly bred by Russ Maas, R.M. Painted Rose. I'm excited for next show season.

This Russ Maas guy, what can I say :bgrin .....mark his name down and you will be hearing it for years and years to come in the winners circle. He won't take any credit and is way way modest but he has a true GIFT with horses and people....and just a great person to know. If you see him at a to him...get ready to laugh an then get ready to learn.

Lisa, glad I am not the only one that like to say Monkey names. Geez, I have fun just saying Juice Monkey, Wild Monkey. You would not believe the combinations I come up with....I like that line and they have been great driving horses to see compete in the ring. Long LIVE the D.M. MONKEY
: make us all smile.
: Oh and I said over on Leeanna's post on staying in tack stalls....I will need Monkey to be my alarm clock next nationals.....
Don and Russ are exceptional in the show ring, and even more exceptional out of it. These are outstanding horsemen as well as outstanding men. Along with the Lundy family and Robby Barth, they make the Iowa show circuit the most competitive in the nation. At AMHR nationals, the Maas family and their horses had seven national titles and two reserve nationals. The Lundys had seven national titles and eight reserve national titles and Robby, who still is a youth, won a national title and no fewer than half a dozen reserve national titles as well as having several other top five and top 10 finishes. (I did a quick count of all those firsts and seconds by the Maas family, the Lundy family and Robby, and I apologize if I missed any.)
Thank you to all I realy injoyed meeting everyone at nationals. I glad that ower horses were liked. I would like to meet more of you. Im going down to RENO so if you see me stop me and say HI.
:aktion033: :aktion033: WHOO HOO see you there! :aktion033:
I absolutely LOVED their driving horses, they all had style, class, manners AND were moving machines!! :aktion033: :aktion033: Congratulations to all the DM horses on their National wins... and I will look for you guys at Reno!!

Suzy Hooper

Show Horses by Suzy

Fresno, CA
I agree. They do a wonderful job with their horses. We were at a lot of the same shows and Russ was always helping me with one thing or another - driving or training tips, harness adjustments, etc. and I loved watching Don drive Sonny even when I was in the same class with him I was able to watch and learn.

After all the hoopla and posting about the horse that was trained "too quickly" and that couldn't possibly be ready to drive and show I think people need to be more open minded to other peoples training methods and timelines. It wouldn't work to move that fast for a lot of people, but Russ knows what he is doing.

We have a horse that is very, very green broke to drive and only actually drove at 2 or 3 shows this summer but has a lot of promise and natural talent as a terrific B roadster horse. Russ was helping us with him one night at nationals and making suggestions and adjustments to his harness (yep, the ole' harness adjustment topic) and the horse drove great for him during that practice session so we talked Russ into driving him for us in the Open Roadster Stakes class just to see what he could do. It was a very large competitive class and it was just amazing to see what Russ got out of him after only getting to drive him ONE TIME during a quick practice session. I was so proud of the horse. He was super eager and willing and put his whole heart and ability into doing everything Russ asked of him and it was the best he has ever driven and the hardest he has ever worked for someone. One judge placed him 3rd, one 6th and one 9th. I think the overall placing was 6th or 7th - I don't even remember for sure without checking - because at the time I was just so amazed that he had placed that I was jumping up and down and talking (I was his header) and Russ had to ask me to move out of the way so he could drive around and get the ribbon. It takes a pretty knowledgeable and experienced person to just get in the cart and drive someone elses horse and do well with it.

People that knew Russ got a whole lot more upset about what happened on the forum than he did. Even when it was going on he just shrugged it off and while people were online ripping him he was busy outside working and training horses.

The Maas family has never been the sort to brag about how great their horses are or go on and on about their experience and knowledge, instead they just quietly go out and do their thing and let actions and results speak for themselves.
I really look forward to seeing Russ' horses in person one day and to meeting him. I've heard nothing but glowing reports all around
Thank you to all. We realy like the showing and meeting all of you at the showes.

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