An additional thought: How about having the Congress be OCAP eligible? That is a point earning opportunity for ponies (& minis) that are also registered in PtHA. All the more reason to go show at Congress if you can pick up OCAP points.
ASPR incentives are helping convince me to take my ASPR filly next year. Why not have incentives for others as well? OCAP is one. We can come up with more.
This may just then be your oportunity to jump in and support the congress. The former donators have decided that they no longer want to support the incentive since thier congress is moving to a more central location. So they are now looking for new sponsors of the incentives. I will be donating to the 2010 congress, will you?
I definately agree that entry fees and office fees need to be raised. But we need to figure out why it is costing $ 250 a horse to operate the congress. There is not another show besides R Nationals that have totals this high for a perhorse accounting.
This is not a mini verses difficult pony issue. It is obvious that we don't have as many ponies registered or showing on a local level but if you do look at what Lewella put we probably have better ratio's than what you want to beleive, considering that 1/2 of what is registered is half of the numbers that show up to the congress. Imagine if you had half of what is registered in the mini registry show up to the R Nationals... As for local shows we don't really offer alot of pony shows here in Ca, but every year at the Area 7 show we have double the ponies show up verses the minis so I think it depends on where you have the show. This year I went as far as Minnesota to show, and it was thier first ever pony show, they had a good turn out for ponies, there was only one class I showed in that did not have competition.
Also as a pony owner I do take offense to the fact that the mini registry is saving the pony registry, first off there would not be a mini registry if it weren't for a pony registry, secondly we would not have the same office operating expenses if there was a pony only registry. This is not about that, what this is about is the fact that Congress needs to break even.
As for promoting the show, I am not sure what promotion you are thinking, anyone that shows or would show knows that there is an end of the year show, and I would believe that is what we pay a marketing person for, what has she done to promote our Congress. I do think that moving it to a more central location will help, but it sure wont the first year with all the negative people from certain area's that are going to boycott the show...And to Kay the last negotiations were done by your Director in your area. I dont' think it was much of a negotiation, it was oh ok sounds good, we still have the pony show in our area type of negotiation. There was obviously no care for the expenses of the show, or the what if we actually have ponies show up and we need more than 500 stalls. The area that has had the show all these years does not want to see the show grow. As for the world show thank goodness that we are no longer sending them thousands of dollars. We can apply that to the Congress, the world show is not the congress and will never house the congress. There are much better places that would be fair to all exhibitors around the us.
The issue at hand is to figure out why we continually show a loss regardless of numbers or locations and figure out a way to make the show break even. $ 250 per horse operating fee is far too much money.