"Coolstance" feed, anyone use?

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Aug 23, 2015
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New England
Someone just suggested I use "Coolstance" feed and added vitamins on my minis and welsh pony as it is low NSC. Has anyone here used it? It is dried coconut, I beleive, and is supposed to put a nice bloom on them and help with hard keepers.

My welsh pony can not have grains as he has an allergy to either the grains or something they process it with. I thought it might be something he might do well on as he could use a little extra something. I'm using Poulin MVP on the minis now and not that happy with it for them as their coats could look better. It would be nice to have something all three could eat. Thanks!
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I used it once about 5-6 years ago. My horses did not like it, and wouldn't eat it. Ended up in the trash.

I should add my horses are a little picky.
Thanks! That's one of the things I was afraid of. The food sensitive guy is also picky. Makes feeding him a little tricky. He does not like his food wet either and I think it needs to be soaked if I read the directions correctly. Maybe I will try it and he will surprise me!
I haven't used Coolstance, but I also have a Welshx and minis. Though its one of the minis who's the super sensitive one. I use Triple Crown Premium Chopped Grass Forage and HorseTech's High Point Grass Pellet. I also supplement with natural vitamin E, Omega Horseshine, chia and a probiotic since mine are all on dry lot. I also supplement magnesium, copper and zinc to balance ratios. I just mix everything (except the HighPoint) together with some turmeric and peppermint and put it on the grass forage. Then the HighPoint goes on top.

There's a bunch of other vitamin/mineral supplements out there. My horses don't like the powdered High Point, and most of what I've seen has some kind of grain in it. They all do well on the same diet. My fat mini and the Welshx also get a metabolic supplement, but that's the only difference.

I've also used Ontario Dehy Timothy Balance cubes instead of the grass forage. They're a bit difficult to deal with. They're always very hard, and I need to break them up before soaking. They key I've found is to add just enough water to make them wet, but not enough so they're super wet.
Mine are on dry lot too. I keep my feeding as simple as possible, as I feel too much isn't good for minis. Their systems developed over centuries to survive on poor quality, sparse forage. That said, I am extremely lucky to live where we have very good quality hay available so that supplementation is only needed for the old timers.

I tried the coolstance on my show horses. They wouldn't touch it. Tried beet pulp, they wouldn't touch that either. So back to basics. They look good and have tons of energy.
Thanks sayyadina, I did tried the Triple Crown forage for the welsh and he was covered in hives after the first day! Same with most grain/processed feeds. He can eat Totally Timothy chopped hay, timothy pellets, and regular hay. We had him tested for allergies and he came up borderline positive to alot of things he CAN eat and negative to things that give him hives. So I don't much go by those results anymore! I just give him the best quality hay and timothy pellets I can get. And vitamin E because we have issues with that.

I really think at this point its not the food, but an additive or residual pesticide or something like that.

He looks pretty good,dappled and shiney, but I worry about him as he is getting middle-aged.

The minis are doing ok on their good hay and ration balancer, it just would be nice to have them all eat the same stuff.
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Thanks sayyadina, I did tried the Triple Crown forage for the welsh and he was covered in hives after the first day! Same with most grain/processed feeds. He can eat Totally Timothy chopped hay, timothy pellets, and regular hay. We had him tested for allergies and he came up borderline positive to alot of things he CAN eat and negative to things that give him hives. So I don't much go by those results anymore! I just give him the best quality hay and timothy pellets I can get. And vitamin E because we have issues with that.

I really think at this point its not the food, but an additive or residual pesticide or something like that.

He looks pretty good,dappled and shiney, but I worry about him as he is getting middle-aged.

The minis are doing ok on their good hay and ration balancer, it just would be nice to have them all eat the same stuff.
Reaction to the TC grass forage could have been the orchardgrass or even the glycerin (probably used for dust reduction), since he can eat timothy.

so many processed feeds have molasses, corn, alfalfa, soy, all possible allergens (or just sensitivities without being full-blown allergies).

If he can eat timothy pellets, a vit/min supplement, and maybe something like split peas for added protein if needed, he should be ok even middle-aged or as a senior.
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I bet he would like peas. I will look into that.I have never fed peas before but a freind feeds a mixed feed with peas in it.
I bet he would like peas. I will look into that.I have never fed peas before but a freind feeds a mixed feed with peas in it.
You might be able to order then through a feed store, but to try them out, just buy a bag of the dry split peas at the grocery store. I think it's typically only a couple tablespoons to help boost the protein content of the diet, I'd have to go and look.

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