Could she be going into Labor?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2005
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Green Springs Ohio
Molly is a Haflinger/Shetland cross. Now when we had the vet check her, he said that she is due around March. She is bred to a blck/whte shetland stallion. She is about 46/47in. Now, since around 4pm today she has been sweating and it's about 30 degree's out. I mean really sweating, soaking wet sweating. She keeps putting her back legs back as far as they will go and just standing there with her tail up a couple inches. Dad rode her around 2pm today for about 5 minutes (dad is only about 115 pounds ..this mare is built built built, has the haflinger look to her!) I dont want her to have her foal now, its freezing out and were not expecting it untill March ..

Could she be going into labor sometime soon?

Is serious sweating a sign? Or could it be because dad rode her a bit today and she hadnt really been exersized in a long time.

could be colic, I would call the vet ASAP. And I wouldn't be riding a mare that far along unless its something you do often enough that she is in shape for it.
Sounds like colic to doesn't sound good to have sweating in freezing temperatures..not good at all. You really need to get the vet out. And I don't think someone needs to be riding her especially a grown adult. It could harm the foal because she is supposed to foal pretty soon. JMO.
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Okay. Your dad riding your 46" mare in foal?! That is not smart. Not at all. It could harm her and the baby.

Sounds like colic.
Dad is 5'4 and 110 pounds.

...she's a haflinger cross ...she has the haflinger bone structure.

Our vet guessed her to be due in March and that was from him looking at her.

Our vet also told us that he could ride her (im a bit to big to, but dad can) if we got her on a regular riding schedule and that it wouldnt hurt her or her foal.

What is Colic caused by?

Can it just happen out of the blue?


the vet could be off on the dates. sounds like prelabor to me. i would stay in the barn with her! my mare this year sweated like that for an hour and then foaled

I have no experience with colic BUT sounds like it could be labor to me.

My pony mare was sweating from early in the morning and delivered a filly around 6 pm.

Does she look aggitated?

Does she have a bag, or any other signs??

I would watch her close?
She was only sweating around her neck and over her back. It really seemed to go away though. She was standing so funny and the only thing i noticed with her personality was she had her ear's pinned when i was in the stall with her. Normally she is trying to play or nudge me, but she was just standing by her window with her ear's pinned.

She's been eating normal and playing normal, it was just a spur of the moment thing it seemed like. No Rolling or laying down ..nothing like that. She was just acting so odd. I just went out to check on her and she's not sweating anymore. Still had her ear's pinned at me though

I'm going to keep checking on her tonight just incase, if i see any serious foaling signs i will end up staying down at the barn. Tommarow i have to be at schoool at 8am ...i hope she doesnt do anything tonight.

I hope she doesnt have any suprises tonight ...its January, i was hoping she would hold off untill April/May.

I just ran out and did some tests Nicole gave me to do ..i'm pretty sure its not colic.

Perhaps if she is out of shape the ride exhausted her a bit!

On that note I have to go walk my dogs!
Dad is 5'4 and 110 pounds.

...she's a haflinger cross ...she has the haflinger bone structure.




Leanna PLEASE!!!!!!! What in the world is your father thinking doing that???????????? My gosh for heaven's sakes! :eek: :eek: :eek:


She is getting ready to foal or she is trying to colic. Please, please, please. Keep your father off that mare.


and everyone too for that matter.


I'm sorry but she does not sound like a mare in labour to me she sounds like a mare about to abort.

I really hope I am wrong, I truly do.

If you manage to get away with this one, do NOT let your father ride her again.

Technically I suppose, were she in very good condition and not in foal, she might be able to carry him- I would not ride a brood mare whose foaling dates are unknown.

You may have dodged the bullet, for everyone's sake I hope you have, but you will not get another warning.

Leeanna you need to get some books and read up on a few things- the Forum is always here but you need to be able to make a few decisions for yourself as well.

You need to know your horses temperatures when they are well, for a start- you would have caught Coco's illness a lot sooner if you had known this and had taken his temperature as soon as you thought him unwell.

Does this mare have a temperature???
I am with Relic on this one. Leeana, you are NOT ready to foal out a mare. Nor is your father. I am sorry, but even a half wit should know not to ride a mare with unguessable dates, as small as she is AND THAT SHE IS DUE SOON IN THE FIRST PLACE.

Flame away, but I am tired of hearing about Leeana's poor horses.
We've foaled out a QH foal here before, also i have watched the foaling video from Minitack.

...i dont think she is going into labor, i think it was just from her prancing around in her stall because joey was in the barn walk-way and was getting her all puffy.

:new_shocked: :no:

Leanna you REALLY need to learn some things about have way too many to handle and neither you nor your father have enough horse experience to handle them.

PUUHLEAASE!!!! I dont care if your dad weighs 50 pounds why on earth would he be riding this tiny pony who is about to foal!! Do either of you even know how to foal out a mare???

Sorry but Im with Feather here on the half wit thing. This is all getting old. Your horses need to go to someone who has half a mind to care for them properly.

Im sorry this is so harsh but this is getting outrageous!!!!

: :deadhorse2:
Do you guys know what a haflinger is ....?

A haflinger that may not even be due untill mid-summer ..if then?
:new_shocked: :no:

Leanna you REALLY need to learn some things about have way too many to handle and neither you nor your father have enough horse experience to handle them.

PUUHLEAASE!!!! I dont care if your dad weighs 50 pounds why on earth would he be riding this tiny pony who is about to foal!! Do either of you even know how to foal out a mare???

Sorry but Im with Feather here on the half wit thing. This is all getting old. Your horses need to go to someone who has half a mind to care for them properly.

Im sorry this is so harsh but this is getting outrageous!!!!

: :deadhorse2:
I 100% agree with Jamie and Ashley.

Watching a foaling video doesn't cut it. You seriously need to cut down on the amount of horses you own so you can concentrate on a small amount that you can actually handle with your experience.
Sorry that you feel that way.

Being older then both of you and being around horses from the day i came home from the hospital ..i know what i can/cant handle.

I just dont think you have the right to go and say that, especially not knowing anything about me.

Just because there are some things that i dont know much about doesnt make me completely stupid when it comes to horses, sorry.

..only my opinion though.

I'm just leaving this thread alone now ..this is unbelieveable!

Leeana, why don't you just get your vet out there asap? Not even you can diagnose for sure a colic, and this little mare being in foal, may be masking someting else more serious. Don't take it upon yourself to diagnose.....yes it's good to know signs and such, but when it comes down to the nitty gritty always get your vet involved. With as much time you have spent on this forum between coco and this mare, I would've had my vet out there about 10 times already.

Sorry jmho, but if you knew a whole lot about horses as you are leading us to believe, day one you would've known about colic. Thats pretty much "Horses 101". I'm not trying to be mean......I don't post on your threads much, but please please get a vet to look at this mare whether it's colic, or a foal...if you were that concerned to ask for our opinions, I think you would be well versed to ask the opinion of your vet.
OK here I go

You might want to consult the vet about colic....

however apparently everone here believes ponies are all mini sized.....halflingers can easily carry a 200lb person.....they are for riding while pregnant it is done all the time folks.....I have seen many a mare be ridden and foal a day later with zero ill effects.......

If she is eating drinking and pooping normally just keep an eye on her...the other issue is coca has been sick I think I cannot keep up......but some viruses can cause abortion in mares so IF she is in the 9th month she very well could be aborting this is quite typical aborting behaivior at that stage of pregnancy.....and if she does abort you will also more than likely need a vet.......get on the phone and get a heads up with your vet.
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