Could she be going into Labor?

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Isn't Leanna a teenager who lives with her parents? If so, she can't control how many horses her parents own.

I would NOT at any time or place ride a mare that is in foal, probably cause I am afraid my big rear end would hurt them. I don't even ride Sasha, our pony mare who is not bred, cause I am afraid I will hurt her. If I were to lose weight, I might try ride her.

I do not know much about colic, but I hope my babies never get it.

I used to ride my prego mares until they were around 9 months. Then they were just too unbalanced that I didn't even want to get on them, plus as their pregnancies advance their abdominal muscles that support their backs are weaker. After they were 7 months along I didn't do much more than walk them. Your mare is already around the 9 month mark and if she isn't used to being ridden I would check and make sure her back isn't sore...just run your hand firmly on each side of her back bone and see if she reacts. I've seen horses that I thought were colic-ing that ended up having muscle spasms. Good luck and let us know how she's doing.
The mare is NOT a Haflinger folks, it is a small pony of unknown breeding, believed to be Haflinger X Shetland.

Although their remarks were harsh I am with Jess and Jamie on this one, I really am very tired of all the attention seeking behaviour. Leeanna if you are so much older than Jess and Jamie, I am afraid it is well past time for you to act it.

If you know so much about horses and foaling you would not have been on here asking the most basic of questions- the mare was exhibiting signs of aborting, but they could also just have been extreme discomfort brought on by carrying too much weight at this advanced stage in her pregnancy.

Every time you hear anything like the truth you rush off in a huff.

Sooner or later something is going to die and you are going to HAVE to stop running away.

The mare needs to be checked out with a Vet ASAP.

If any of this actually happened, that is.
why dont you wait until the foals born, your dad can dry it off and jump on the foals back also, this is getting ridiculous leanna,your coming on as if you know everything to the young ones and then your asking for advise off the elders,and wont take it, you need to mature a bit and take the very valuable advise that your being given, the people on this forum care a lot about there horses and do not want to waste there time educating all of us that need it,try LISTEN, take it in and store it up on you head, this place is a learning goldmine you are so lucky as i am to have experts on board to help you,but one day your going to cry WOLF and no-ones going to answer,i think its a discrace that anyone is riding your mare, :no: :no: :no:
I hate to say it, but I agree with most of the others.

I hope your mare comes out of this ok....and Leanna too for that matter. :no:
I told myself I wasn't gonna, but I am.

First of all the temps were actually in the high 40's here for ALL of Ohio yesterday and quite a few of my kids were a bit sweaty with their wooly coats.

Second, yes Leeana has said she's a cross and around 48" tall. And around here SOME sellers will tell you they're just about anything you want them to be. If she came from sugarcreek she could be anything from hackney/morgan/shetland/standardbred/mini/draft/saddlebred/QH/appy/poa cross etc.

Third, if she were mine I wouldn't be riding her at this stage of her pregnancy but thats me, my girls are spoiled rotten here. That said if she wasn't accustomed to this kind of work out it could cause discomfort. (how was she ridden, just a walk? walk/trot etc?)

Fourth, I would not be comfortable with the way she was standing and if she were mine I would have checked her vitals and at least had a conversation with my vet.

Thats me though
Hope the mare is doing well today

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