Another exhausting meeting with the DA's office.........I cannot say enough good things about them.
The days are numbered for when we will be in court seeking justice for Michael. We have waiting more than a year for this trial. We are all worn out and very tired of having what’s left of us turned inside out. I am tired of hating and living a life of a bitter person. I am tired of wanting revenge. I am tired of watching my family turn into people we didn’t know we could become. I hate him for killing Michael and screwing up my other kid. That is the result of the senseless act by a career criminal that took Michael away from us forever. For us, this is what happened to us because we love Michael so much and hurt so bad. I want my family back the way we were; not perfect by no means, but completely goofy and borderline dysfunctional suited us just fine. Without Michael as the resident smart mouth comedian who kept us laughing or tearing our hair out, we are lost. He killed all of us.
The major charge is Murder 2. Other charges are leaving the scene, (2 years max) and vehicular homicide. (6 years max)
We are hoping that the jury will find guilty for Murder 2 because that holds the stiffest penalty, 20 years max. I am hoping that it can be 20 years without any possibility of parole. The DA is confident that the Grand Jury will not throw it out.
They are preparing us and rehearsing us for court. Our time in the court room for testimony will be limited due to the graphic nature of it. They are extremely gentle and "careful" with us and will remove us as soon as possible. I"m worried that Jerry will end up with a stroke or heart attack. He will have to testify regarding issues of the mini bike, and how he watched Michael drive it along side the road at the time of impact. I will have to talk about Michael to familiarize them with Michael and the kind of kid he was. I don't know how I'm going to get through that. I'm worried I am going to throw up, or loose control. A special victims advocate is assigned to work with Daniel because I fear that he is going to explode the minute he comes face to face with the animal. I don't know how anyone is going to be able to hold him back.
On August 21 at 9:00 AM court will convene and a Grand Jury will be selected out of 100 people. They will be asked to look at us, if they know either us or the animal. If they do, they will not be chosen. This may take some time being in a small town. If we get our jury selected before noon, they will proceed with the trial immediately at that point. They want to do this as speedy as possible for our benefit and set aside 3 days. They think it's such a cut and dry case we will only need 2. The only problem we may encounter is that one of our key witnesses, the attending surgeon has planned a trip out of the country a year ago on that date and is having problems re-arranging it. We cannot proceed without him and in that case, court would be postponed and possibly not be re-scheduled until after the first of the year. I'd go crazy if that happened but it is a possibility.
The State has issued 24 subpoenas/witnesses for our side.
The defense has issued 2.
All of the animals buddys have since come over to our side voluntarily.
The defense will not put the animal on the stand. The animals defense is that he didn't do it.
To date: the animal shows absolutely NO remorse.
Many of Michael's senior classmates will be there led by his beloved little Tabitha. His Church youth group will be there and Church friends. Many members of our community will also be there lending us moral support. Our relatives from Kentucky will be here. Michael and Dan's older step brothers, who happen to excel in martial arts, boxing, wrestling, and general "kick yer a___" are also coming. I think we should just save the tax payers a lot of money and give the animal to the brothers and be done with it.
There will be much security and media kept to a minimum.
Since this happened last year, the animal has been arrested for burglary, grand theft auto, and another drug charge of meth. He is currently incarcerated in Sequatchie County jail. These extra charges are going to help us keep him behind bars even longer we hope.
We will be bringing some poster size pictures of Michael for the jury to see, and I have to make a slide show of his pictures.
I'm really tired.
Much Love to All from the Mountian.
Don't worry Michael, We'll get him one way or the other and that's a promise Son.
Mom I hope you aren't mad at me
I got that mini chopper to run
I just had to try it out a little bit
I was having so much fun
I remember we were working on the fence
and you told me to take a break
Instead I went to the garage to work
but I didn't know it would be a fatal mistake
And after a while I finally got it going
I was so proud of myself
No one's been able to fix it for years
but I did with old parts from the shelf
I wasn't even on the road
I wanted to see how it would handle for me
I know what happened after that
Some one ran over me
He drove off speeding and left me
All alone hurt so bloody in the grass
Then I realized you heard it all from the house
The sound of the terrible crash
Mom I really wanted to stay
I did my best to try
I hung on as long as possible
I could hear you scream and cry
Mom I'm so sorry I had no choice
I tried to come back two times they said
but my heart wouldn't jump start any more
and before I knew it I was dead
There was a light that was pulling me up
as I left my body in pieces behind
I seem to have floated with Angels
and they were so very kind
I kept looking down below
and it was awful what I had seen
dad was covered all over in my blood
but somehow I still felt serene
I asked the Angels to let me come back
I told them you'd want me back home
but they said that God was waiting for me
and that I wasn't really leaving you alone
I asked them so many questions
and wanted to know about Dad
I was worried that I was in big trouble with him
when I leave tools out he gets mad
I wanted to know about my little brother
and who's going to watch out for my Dan
but the Angels assured me that it all will be right
and he would grow into a fine young man
Mom I know it's been a long time
and you just can't seem to let me go
I understand the way you feel
I will always love you so
The days are numbered for when we will be in court seeking justice for Michael. We have waiting more than a year for this trial. We are all worn out and very tired of having what’s left of us turned inside out. I am tired of hating and living a life of a bitter person. I am tired of wanting revenge. I am tired of watching my family turn into people we didn’t know we could become. I hate him for killing Michael and screwing up my other kid. That is the result of the senseless act by a career criminal that took Michael away from us forever. For us, this is what happened to us because we love Michael so much and hurt so bad. I want my family back the way we were; not perfect by no means, but completely goofy and borderline dysfunctional suited us just fine. Without Michael as the resident smart mouth comedian who kept us laughing or tearing our hair out, we are lost. He killed all of us.
The major charge is Murder 2. Other charges are leaving the scene, (2 years max) and vehicular homicide. (6 years max)
We are hoping that the jury will find guilty for Murder 2 because that holds the stiffest penalty, 20 years max. I am hoping that it can be 20 years without any possibility of parole. The DA is confident that the Grand Jury will not throw it out.
They are preparing us and rehearsing us for court. Our time in the court room for testimony will be limited due to the graphic nature of it. They are extremely gentle and "careful" with us and will remove us as soon as possible. I"m worried that Jerry will end up with a stroke or heart attack. He will have to testify regarding issues of the mini bike, and how he watched Michael drive it along side the road at the time of impact. I will have to talk about Michael to familiarize them with Michael and the kind of kid he was. I don't know how I'm going to get through that. I'm worried I am going to throw up, or loose control. A special victims advocate is assigned to work with Daniel because I fear that he is going to explode the minute he comes face to face with the animal. I don't know how anyone is going to be able to hold him back.
On August 21 at 9:00 AM court will convene and a Grand Jury will be selected out of 100 people. They will be asked to look at us, if they know either us or the animal. If they do, they will not be chosen. This may take some time being in a small town. If we get our jury selected before noon, they will proceed with the trial immediately at that point. They want to do this as speedy as possible for our benefit and set aside 3 days. They think it's such a cut and dry case we will only need 2. The only problem we may encounter is that one of our key witnesses, the attending surgeon has planned a trip out of the country a year ago on that date and is having problems re-arranging it. We cannot proceed without him and in that case, court would be postponed and possibly not be re-scheduled until after the first of the year. I'd go crazy if that happened but it is a possibility.
The State has issued 24 subpoenas/witnesses for our side.
The defense has issued 2.
All of the animals buddys have since come over to our side voluntarily.
The defense will not put the animal on the stand. The animals defense is that he didn't do it.
To date: the animal shows absolutely NO remorse.
Many of Michael's senior classmates will be there led by his beloved little Tabitha. His Church youth group will be there and Church friends. Many members of our community will also be there lending us moral support. Our relatives from Kentucky will be here. Michael and Dan's older step brothers, who happen to excel in martial arts, boxing, wrestling, and general "kick yer a___" are also coming. I think we should just save the tax payers a lot of money and give the animal to the brothers and be done with it.
There will be much security and media kept to a minimum.
Since this happened last year, the animal has been arrested for burglary, grand theft auto, and another drug charge of meth. He is currently incarcerated in Sequatchie County jail. These extra charges are going to help us keep him behind bars even longer we hope.
We will be bringing some poster size pictures of Michael for the jury to see, and I have to make a slide show of his pictures.
I'm really tired.
Much Love to All from the Mountian.
Don't worry Michael, We'll get him one way or the other and that's a promise Son.
Mom I hope you aren't mad at me
I got that mini chopper to run
I just had to try it out a little bit
I was having so much fun
I remember we were working on the fence
and you told me to take a break
Instead I went to the garage to work
but I didn't know it would be a fatal mistake
And after a while I finally got it going
I was so proud of myself
No one's been able to fix it for years
but I did with old parts from the shelf
I wasn't even on the road
I wanted to see how it would handle for me
I know what happened after that
Some one ran over me
He drove off speeding and left me
All alone hurt so bloody in the grass
Then I realized you heard it all from the house
The sound of the terrible crash
Mom I really wanted to stay
I did my best to try
I hung on as long as possible
I could hear you scream and cry
Mom I'm so sorry I had no choice
I tried to come back two times they said
but my heart wouldn't jump start any more
and before I knew it I was dead
There was a light that was pulling me up
as I left my body in pieces behind
I seem to have floated with Angels
and they were so very kind
I kept looking down below
and it was awful what I had seen
dad was covered all over in my blood
but somehow I still felt serene
I asked the Angels to let me come back
I told them you'd want me back home
but they said that God was waiting for me
and that I wasn't really leaving you alone
I asked them so many questions
and wanted to know about Dad
I was worried that I was in big trouble with him
when I leave tools out he gets mad
I wanted to know about my little brother
and who's going to watch out for my Dan
but the Angels assured me that it all will be right
and he would grow into a fine young man
Mom I know it's been a long time
and you just can't seem to let me go
I understand the way you feel
I will always love you so

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