Cowboy Hats

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Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2007
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Lake City, Florida
I was asked to post this and get everyones opinion of some of the trainers using cowboy hats in the show arena.

Do you feel this is an unfair advantage?

Would you as a female use one?

Food as well as different smells can be added to the lining of the hat.

What do you think?
It's is only an unfair advantage if others are not allowed to use a hat. How is using a hat with food "smells" any different than those that bait with actual food.

By all means anyone, male or female can wear a hat but, just some of my Midwestern background coming through, BUY A DECENT ONE.
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I was asked to post this and get everyones opinion of some of the trainers using cowboy hats in the show arena.
Do you feel this is an unfair advantage?

Would you as a female use one?

Food as well as different smells can be added to the lining of the hat.

What do you think?
Not just trainers

No it is not an unfair advantage

Yes I would wear one

smells can be also put on your hands or on the cuff of your sleeves

Interesting to see more answers.
Do you feel this is an unfair advantage?

Would you as a female use one?
I might if it was appropriate for a particular class. But, what class might that be? Maybe that new Western driving class (that I know absolutely nothing about, just sayin')?

Food as well as different smells can be added to the lining of the hat.
I have shown Quarter Horse and Paint Horse halter (quite successfully!) and I have NEVER heard of such a thing!
Do you feel this is an unfair advantage?

No - not when anyone can wear one

Would you as a female use one?

Yes - I already have in showmanship and plan on it for the western pleasure driving classes this year

however I do not feel the need to wear one in a 'general' halter class, obstacle, liberty etc etc

Food as well as different smells can be added to the lining of the hat.

What do you think?

personal choice

I've seem postings of folks not wanting to show in the ring next to the person with the tic tac box ratting / cat bell etc the whole class I guess if you want to put a scent of some sort on your hat and its legal it might not bother as many other participants
I don't see this as a unfair advantage. Sure as a woman I am not going into a halter class with a western hat, however no one is stopping me. Anybody can go out there with a hat. As far as putting food inside the hat I don't see that any different then baiting.

However I am curious to see the judges that are on here how they feel about people trying to get ears with hats.

It doesn't bother me, and I don't think it really matters when it comes to judging, honestly I think it would hurt their chances more.
Guys, I am not talking about just wearing the hat in classes, I am talking about taking the hat off your head and baiting the horse with it to get their ears and a hooky neck. I see certain trainers do it all of the time, in front of judges.

One can put the smell of a mare in heat in the hat lining and get the horse to really show himself. If you do that on your sleeve, you will have the horse all over you all of the time. With the hat, you can use it only when the judge is watching and get the horse excited. It is also a tool that can be used when a horse is being trained back at home.

Is this fair? Especially since women do not dress up in western gear to show.
If there is not a rule that prohibits women from wearing a cowboy hat in a halter class, then no, I do not think that there is any unfairness to this. I also do not see how this is much different than baiting with anything else (a treat, a toy, etc.). I do think it makes those people look unprofessional and hysterical.
No, I don't think it unfair as long as anyone could wear a hat and do this. Personally I've seen a trainer work with my horse and all he had was a ball cap. My stallion was very interested in it too. If the horse likes the smell he'll work off of it. My guy liked the trainer so well that he would stretch himself and show off when standing at the end of a longe line and the man wasn't even asking for it.

If some are using the mare smell in the hat - not sure I want to "get too close" to them personally though!
I do think that it is much easier to get that wow look by using a hat. The horses seem more curious about it then something you can fit in your hand. Your idea of putting the mare sent in a hat, is something I would never have thought of, but I wouldn't put it past some people.

Do I think it is unfair advantage, to some extent but like others said there isn't a rule stating that I can't wear one. On the flip side I wouldn't wear one in regular halter class, only showmanship where it is required.
Guys, I am not talking about just wearing the hat in classes, I am talking about taking the hat off your head and baiting the horse with it to get their ears and a hooky neck. I see certain trainers do it all of the time, in front of judges.
Is this fair? Especially since women do not dress up in western gear to show.
I wore a cowboy hat when I showed. Always in showman ship and sometimes in halter. I showed a B mare for and she always arched her neck and gave her ears when I baited her with my hat so I wore it when i showed her in halter. I also found that babies and yearling's loved the hat as well.

Yes it is fair because although women don't often wear western attire to show is halter there are lots of different kinds of hats to be worn. When you think about it Women can wear all the hats men can wear with out looking out of place but imagine if a man wore this in the show ring.
I don't post here very often but I really am interested in what people think on this topic.

For me I would love to wear a cowboy hat but I would have hat hair and I really would not want the judges to see me like that, heck I wouldn't want to see myself for that matter!

I do feel it is somewhat of an unfair advantage. I have seen more big name trainers using this as a tool.

I guess I am going to start a new trend as a woman and bring out my hat. I will make sure it is in style and when I was in Quarter Horses, Straw was for summer and beaver is for fall. Does that sound right? LOL.

I agree that hats should be in the appropriate classes and not general halter. I guess it is a personal choice at this point.
Funny, but I never thought of cowboy hats as bait...

I've always thought that cowboy attire was patently ridiculous when minis are involved, and I'd feel like a poser if I were to wear one.


If it works that well as bait, maybe I should consider it! If my horse shows off, who cares if I'm a poser?

I wonder how a horse would react to a "Cat in the Hat" type hat? Or a batter's helmet?

Oh, wait!! Here's the ticket:

Do like equine photographers...add a bit of skunk perfume to your hat -- eau de Pepi Le Peu...
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If you ever pay attention to those same people outside of the ring, most usually wear a ball cap or western hat then too. Its part of their attire every day, not just on show days. Also with several coming from big horse backgrounds, especially stock breeds, they always wear hats in the ring. I don't find it unfair as anyone walking into the ring can wear one, its your choice.

As for women, I dont see to many in the ring that don't wear clothes that a western hat wouldn't go with, at least showing halter and I think thats the only place the op is talking about anyway.
About 15 to 20 years ago, when I showed....... I did wear a cowboy hat, as did other women and men also. But then...... I live in Wyoming!

I have not shown for years now, but I still love the look of a cowboy hat. :)

Susan O.
It is definitely fair you just have to decide if you want to use it or not. I just started showing the minis again a couple of years ago and switched from paint horse where you have to wear a hat. I was surprised to find that no one really wears hats anymore since I feel they make you look more professional and the outfits more complete since most people I see are still wearing the typical show clothes just without a hat.
No unfairness to it. Smart if you ask me..........There use to be a trainer that would wear gloves with the thumb dipped in apple juice - went through a lot of gloves but not unfair.......... What about people that keep grain/ grass in their pockets then turn that pocket toward the horses nose - is that unfair?...... Lee uses his hat to get the horses attention but he doesn't bait it..... What is unfair is the horse being given a drug, etc.
I think everyone should wear one whether it be Western or English, just like the big boys do. Even though they are mini's they are still a horse and it drives me crazy seeing them shown like a dog at a dog show, just my opinion, but I do wear western attire, including a hat when I show my mini "Quarterhorse" or a derby if I show my little "Arab". It gives a nice clean appearance. Go for it!

It does not bother me at all. Why not use your hat if you have one on? It is no different than any smells people can have on their fingers or cuffs... crinkly peppermint wrappers in your pocket, baby carrots, horse cookies, bits of grain etc.

What does get a bit amusing is the way some who show at halter do all sorts of unusual fencing style moves and bob up and down and back and forth, twisting and turning, waving arms around, holding themselves in bizarre positions, fussing and bouncing... pointing their pockets at the horse as if they were holding up a bank...

Offering your hat to the horse is a least one smoooooth move and does not involve a lot of gymnastics!!
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