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Connie P

Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2002
Reaction score
Armada, Michigan
Just wanted to alert everyone:

My husband and I have fallen prey to a vicious credit card thief - somehow, some scumball got ahold of our debit/credit card number and has been using it all over the place.

This thief is such a genious that they are ordering things up and having them sent to our house!! YEP that's correct. Pretty smart eh?

Please people be careful using credit/debit cards online or anywhere for that matter!!!

My bank is all over this and when (yes, not "if" but "when") we catch this wonderful person, they can expect to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law!!!

Happy New Year to my forum friends and please be very careful who you give you credit card numbers out to.
I got scammed this week too, by my paypal account. I went to the bank to check my checking ballance and make sure it matched my records (i do this about once a week) and see what has come in, what is still out ext. Well, she gave me a print out and i seen a paypal charge for $29.99 for this past weekend...i have not used my paypal for anything in over a month, it didnt say on my bank printout what it was for,,,so came home and went threw my old email account and found the receipt paypal sent me, it was for some credit report. Called the company and got no answer, out of the office for the holidays
. So filed a claim with Paypal and they are looking into it, went threw and changed my paypal passwords, questions ext and some other things. Luckly my actual bank account number is not on there. A long long time ago, i got one of those emails to confirm my paypal info which i did, then seen on Oprah that paypal will NEVER send these emails, but i did that over a year ago so figured i was fine.....guess it came back to bite me in the butt.
This is what I do for a living... not credit card fraud, I am an investigator of credit card fraud, LOL

NEVER EVER give anyone any info via email, over the phone, etc..... NO banks, paypal, ebay or ANY other place is going to call or write and ask for info- they already have it!!!!!! If you have any doubts, call or email your bank, paypal, or whoever from a VALID KNOWN address or number, and check with them to see if they have contacted you. I guarantee the reply will be NO. These emails are one of the biggest scams out there, much of which is done by the Nigerian mafia. They even put the official logos, etc.. on the emails so they look real, but really look at the return addresses- they are NOT from them, but they try to make them as official looking as they can!!!

Numbers and info can be accessed in many other ways as well... there are bogus telemarketing companies and others out there. They go through garbage to access numbers and info- shred or burn all of your receipts, bills or ANYTHING with any of your personal info or accounts on there. A shredder does not cost that much- you can get one pretty cheap at Walmart.

Some establishments still print the entire credit card number on receipts. If you dont need the receipt, destroy it! Never leave your signed credit card receipts at a restaurant on the table... hand it to the employee taking your payment!! Anyone can walk by that table and pick up your receipt.

There are many other ways info can be stolen- too many to list here, but protect yourself in any way that you can to cut risks.

I am so sorry you had to experience this, and yes, we DO see this happen and merchandise sent to the actual person's address. The frauds usually hope to intercept it while you are away at work that day. Because they have arranged the shipping, they know exactly what day it will arrive.

If you have any specific questions (anyone) that I may be able to help with- please feel free to send me an email- I will be glad to help!

I hope a police report has been filed also??
This is really a nightmare. I feel VERY violated and I hope to GOD this person is caught because I would love nothing more than to see them GO DOWN!

I usually only use secure sites and really have no idea how anyone would get my number.

Well I received every package that was sent and now have to contact all those folks and have letters sent etc etc etc............. Like I have nothing better to do. I am still trying to get my daughter back on her feet and take care of her 2 1/2 year old son also on top of my own day to day things. Good grief. I wish people would get a life!!
:arg! I am mad as H _ _ _!!
Rarely use a credit cards now, if I buy anything online anymore, I use a money order or check.
I think it was just yesterday that I heard on TV that you should get and use a "special" credit card for on line purchases; What's special about it is that it has a low credit value. Makes sense to me not to use one that has Thousands of $ credit for other people to spend.
I had someone use my credit card (well the number at least, must have made a fake card) a couple of years ago. Yes it does feel like a violation. They must have had some experience with using stolen cards because in a 2 or 3 day span of time they racked up many thousands of dollars worth of shopping. The credit card company caught it because it was paying for some pretty unusual things , vet bills, car repairs, groceries and etc. in a town 500 miles away on the same day I used it to buy lunch here where I live. They called me the next morning to ask if i had made the purchases and where I was on that given day. I asked if they would be able to let me know if they ever caught the person responsible but they said they couldn't do that. I was told to never pay with my credit card by handing it to a waitress and letting her take it out of sight to process. They felt that was probably when the card info was copied and apparently it is quite a common thing. IMO the card company was excellent about it, and I appreciated their making it as easy on me as they could under the circumstances.

Sorry you have to experience this too. Hope it helps to know you are not the only one its happened to.
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I think it was just yesterday that I heard on TV that you should get and use a "special" credit card for on line purchases; What's special about it is that it has a low credit value. Makes sense to me not to use one that has Thousands of $ credit for other people to spend.
Absolutely FANTASTIC idea!!!!
Connie, So sorry you are going through this situation, HOPEFULLY it will be QUICKLY resolved... People have to much time on their hands, apparently they do not own horses, have a family and have a busy life....


If there is anything I can do

Aww Connie that stinks! Why can't people be nice!

I had someone take money from my paypal account a few months ago over $700. Luckily both Paypal and my credit union stopped it.

The bank is refunding all my money that was taken.

All the items that were purchased and sent to my home I will send back because I feel bad that these companys would be out the product and money and I just can't let that happen.

I will not let this stop me from using my cards, but you better believe I will be watching more closely than ever. I usually keep a pretty close watch on things, but now will tighten the ship even more.

Thanks for you support guys. :love
Connie, just so you know, you did not order these items and by law, are not obligated to send them back! You do NOT have to pay for shipping either. I know it would not be right, but sometimes this gets into thousands of dollars worth of goods which would be just too much for a person to deal with. The companies should send you return labels and the shipping at their cost. If they do not, tell them you are NOT paying to send the merchandise back. They can be out a few bucks for shipping, or the entire thing. Also, this is a write off for them as a loss, should they decide not to get their merchandise back.

I doubt that your card number was accessed by using it on line- there are MANY other ways for them to get your info, so do not be afraid to use the secure sites for things. It could have also been accessed any where you have used it over the last few months... and there are also scanners that can pick up your info when you use it somewhere. Way too many ways to go into, but believe it or not, internet fraud is NOT the most common. Some fraudsters prefer it because if the card number has been canceled, they are not standing in a store somewhere while the clerk calls the police or gets a description (many stores have cameras too) of who was there using it..... There's no face to face thing....

So sorry again this happened.

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