Well-Known Member
I don't know how to edit the heading of my old posts so am going to start a new thread for daisy. Daisy is getting a bag. She is a rescue from last year and is very shy. I will try for some pictures of her bag and privates..but not sure i will be able to. She is now being separated from the herd at night and is with them during the day.I will have to watch her carefully as she is low low man in the herd and I do not want her baby born with the others.
yesterday when I got up my silver black filly that was born on thrusday was limping. Her t was 102.5. With her having squirting yellow poos and now the limp I took her right to the vet. She traveled in our mini van perfectly. Of course she had to pee and poo ..multiple times. I was happy to see her poo was normal.
Vet was filling in for the regular guy. Just out of school. seems to think baby just got bumped. I truly hate new takes years to gain the needed experience and I just am not comfortable with vets without that experience. I have stuck it thru several newbies helping them get to old veteran status, And I want the veterans.Here are a few pictures of our day. are we there yet??
always nice to have my goofy gr Kids to help

I was a big hit at the docs

yesterday when I got up my silver black filly that was born on thrusday was limping. Her t was 102.5. With her having squirting yellow poos and now the limp I took her right to the vet. She traveled in our mini van perfectly. Of course she had to pee and poo ..multiple times. I was happy to see her poo was normal.
Vet was filling in for the regular guy. Just out of school. seems to think baby just got bumped. I truly hate new takes years to gain the needed experience and I just am not comfortable with vets without that experience. I have stuck it thru several newbies helping them get to old veteran status, And I want the veterans.Here are a few pictures of our day. are we there yet??
always nice to have my goofy gr Kids to help

I was a big hit at the docs

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