I'm new to fencing, and have to ask...what on earth is cattle paneling? Can someone please post a picture? I am boarding my mini at a neighbors house and she has fencing that has big squares, sort of like a foot by a foot maybe. It is as Jill discribed, small squares at the bottom and bigger squares on top. But unless I saw a picture to compare, I don't know if this is cattle paneling.
I haven't gotten my filly just yet, but know that fencing is nothing to mess around with. I had a full grown Tom cat get his head stuck in chain link fencing once. You would have sworn he would have never been able to do that, but we had to have the neighbor come over and cut the square, so he could get his head out. I have decided that whatever fencing is in the neighbors yard, it looks dangerous, and I am going to wrap around it with another type of fencing that is only like an inch by an inch, so that the filly will not be able to get a leg, hoof, or head through the squares. But just for the record, I would like to know what type of fencing it is. I figure that if the hoof can go through a hole, such as in play, then if it were to get bent wrong or stuck, it could be a very dangerous situation.
So sorry this happened to your boy and please someone show me what a pic of the paneling.