Daneila is very uncomfortable now. She has been doing a lot of up and down, walking around, and swinging back and forth.Been watching her for aout an hour. Tail swishes. Maybe.
I'm going out to check on Daniela in a minute.To see how she is now.Crazy little girl just quit all het signs. Maybe she was just getting baby in a better position. I did see her belly moving, but it wasn't the contraction jerking. I'll post an update in a bit.
Even allowing that she didn't have much of a bag as a maiden, I would think that she must develop a bit more than the pictures show this time Hazel? So I think you have a little while to go yet before you get to see this baby of hers?
she sure is gorgeous. My little mare did a surprise on me. Bought ready to foal anyday..when no baby after 2 weeks..ultra sound showed no pregnancy..just a very fat belly. So I had to go buy some more bred mares:>)
But if you have seen the foal move surely you couldn't be kidding yourself:>)
One day closer..as diane told me. I like that
Thank you all for the hugs and prayers. We had a very stressfull day, but things are going to be better.We will just have to take each day at a time.
Daniela is really being a puzzle. I will try to get new pics this weekend. I just fed tonight and didn't really check her so i'll post an udate tomorrow.