I checked Darla's milk again at her afternoon feeding, but the ph still hasnt dropped. She had to spend about 3 hours this afternoon in her stall while I mowed her pasture. The grass had gotten really tall and thick...in some places it was waist high! (of course i am only 5ft tall...so i guess thats not super super high) When i let her out of her stall she just kind of stood around at the barn. When she finally did go into the pasture I noticed that she was carrying her tail really high. She has been holding it up a little for a week or so, but she has it really high...like as high as if she were going to poop. She had a fresh poop in her stall while i was mowing. She is also walking like she is stiff in her hindquarters. I have noticed over the last 2-3days that she has been laying down or standing quietly in the shade more (instead of constant grazing). I have also noticed that there is less fetal movement. There is also less belly kicking, nudging, and booty scratching, but more rolling. Just my observations...and they are open for comments!! Also, what is the fastest that you have seen the ph drop? Thanks everyone! I really enjoy reading your comments and advice! I am going back out to watch D for a bit before she goes up for the night!