Well-Known Member husband is on 12hr night shifts and my daughter is at her dads house for the week.....i may just move in there tonight! I only got to check on her 2 times today, but my husband is at home sleeping so he checks on her every so often. Some days i hate my job, and this is one of them. I had to sieze two horses from a man today that are in horrible condition...and this is a case that I have been investigating for months. Some people just arent willing to cooperate. He moved them for about 2 months and hid them from me, but apparently moved them back one day this week in worse shape than when they left....i would say a body score of maybe 1 for the mare, if i'm being generous. The stallion is in a little better condition as far as weight (maybe a 3 or 3.5) but he is 2yrs old and they have been "breaking" him. He is has sores at every possible spot. (girth, withers, under bottom lip) and also a pitting edema on the ventral chest. In laymans terms so much infection inside that it has settled under his chest and has mad a huge lump about 18inches long, 18 inches wide and 2-3 inches deep. I am going to see the DA in the morning to press charges. Some folks make me sick!