Day 337...should be anytime, now

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Dec 1, 2002
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Her last breeding date (only one on that cycle) was Feb. 29, 2006 (Leap Day!), and she's always gone around or under 330, but then she was always foaling in April and June, so I figured she would go over since it's in the winter and the days are so short.

Anyway, her udder is tight but not completely full and I still can't get anything but a drop once in a while and it's just clear and not at all sticky.

She's also changing shape, I notice her hip points are more visible, and I can more easily feel the bones beneath there (she's in no way thin).

I also saw a very soft poop in there this morning when I went to check on her and turn her out.

The condition she's in now, in my experience with her, she could get on the ball and go within 12 hours, but these are famous last words.

I so hope she goes in the next 24-48 hours.

She's experienced, and I am, somewhat, but I'm still very nervous and won't relax til they are up and eating and all that fun stuff.

I will, of course, post w/pics as soon as he or she arrives!

Liz M.
Awww...please keep us posted!!! I have only one mare bred (avatar) who's not due until early April -

Best wishes!!!

Liz R.
Sounds like we're in the same boat. Mine is a maiden mare though, day 343 uuuuuuuuugh! Good luck! Hope you get your baby soon.
:new_multi: Cool Liz !!!! I am excited for you ! I'm sure everything will be just fine :bgrin
Oh Nootka,

No sleep for you! If you have a foal then you need to come tot he NW meeting this weekend and bring picture! The "over-the-hill" gang will be there.

Take care and get some sleep while you can. Yeah right huh, with a toddler and a imminent mare that is kind of out of the question.
Thanks, Liz, I think Gramma Pony is wanting this baby more than anyone, she's been following her daughter around like a mother hen and worrying over her when she can't see her. If I ever can't find Cherry in the pasture, all I need to do is send Gramma out looking and she finds her very quickly with a concerned whinny. They are cute. Gramma's stall faces Cherry's foaling stall so she can watch everything. Funny thing is, as soon as it's born, she wants IN there! She loves the little ones, especially her grandkids. Cherry did not have a foal last year, and Gramma doesn't much like Lark b/c she picks on her, so this one will be very much enjoyed, I'm sure, but I bet Gramma's tired of the string of colts we've had since Cherry's first. *LOL* Poor girl.

minifarmgirl, I can imagine you are getting NO sleep. At least til this point, since I know this one so well, I've been able to sleep pretty well in few hour stretches, but I think that's about over.

Thanks for the well wishes, and I wish you the same.

Liz M.
Good luck with your mare! I have one at 324 today and she normally carries past 330, but she is looking closer than that to me. Looks like I might break down and put the Breeder Alert on her tonight!

I agree with them carrying longer this time of year. The mare I mentioned above normally goes past 330 with an early in the year foaling date. I have another that is at 312 today with hardly any bag. Looks like she will go a looonnnggg time yet! She carried 342 last year and she sure appears to be going that same time frame again.
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she's been following her daughter around like a mother hen and worrying over her when she can't see her
That is just the sweetest thing I have ever heard...

Including Cherry Bomb, how may offspring have you had from Gramma Pony?

Liz R.
Liz, Cherry is the only baby we got from her.

She has a few other babies, though a few of them have gone "missing" as in their papers were not transferred, etc., but they were long before she came to me.

She was producing twins for a while, and losing them midway through gestation, so I'm glad I didn't know that, I guess, it would have scared me.

Cherry Bomb is a limited edition, to be sure, and she was also our very first filly to be born here.


It IS pretty funny to watch Gramma waiting for Cherry Bomb to come in, and nickering for her.

Liz M.
GoodLuck that everything goes smoothly! And don't forget that blinkin camera :bgrin

We want pics pics and more pics!!
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How exciting Liz! :aktion033:

I've got my fingers (and eyes LOL) crossed that you get your 3rd generation GIRL for Grandma Pony to enjoy! I got tears in my eyes hearing about her fussing over her daughter. That's SO sweet! Please give them both a hug for me!

Grandma Pony
My maiden is at 323 and today she is starting the milk gland production on one side, her bag is a bit lopsided too...........LOL

Do you guys ever notice the gland swelling? I'm hoping she is getting close.
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:aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033:

Hurry UP Cherry!!!!!!! I want to see if it is a dilute! Mouse wants to see it ( aka pick on it!)

Not enough of a drop to test strip it yet Liz? Have you tried the ring test??? When you can get some milk out with barely a squeeze and it seems to have its own pressure, boy that means you are in BUSINESS! Keep us posted.... :new_shocked:
Well now you got me on pins and needles, Liz!

Will keep my fingers and toes crossed that all goes according to the book for you.......and at a convenient hour-

(like AFTER the munchkins are asleep, but not TOO late! Right?
: )

If you ever need to call in the middle of the night, don't hesitate. When it comes to foaling, I don't mind!) Just PM if you need my phone#.


Oh my I feel for you, I'm with miniv, may she pick a convenient time this evening to pop!

And isn't it neat how they KNOW that they're family, I've even witnessed stallions that you just know recognize their own offspring in the way that they react to them

Keep us updated!

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Yep, ML, #5. Her first was Flash, a red pinto filly, then came Jack, Mouse and Comet and last year she was open, so this year...?

Cherry was born not long after I found the Forum, so I can always remember that pretty well as that was 5-21-97 her birthdate. I was surprised there was no marking on her, as both sire and dam have blazes, but, I've learned that we have an anti-marking gene somewhere in our water or something.

Oh, well, healthy is a good color.

I do hope she goes at a reasonable hour, she's done 11:30 pm, 12:30 a.m., 4:30 pm, and 2:30 a.m.,s he likes that half hour mark.

Thanks for the well wishes and MA, I will pm you alright, because when things get hairy, it helps to have someone on the phone that can direct you and sometimes this time of year my vet is busy w/cattle and sheep it seems.


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