Day 337...should be anytime, now

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Ohhh, sounds exciting, Liz! You'll do just fine and Good Luck! Keep us all updated.

Any baby yet??? We want to see the baby! I am so excited for you, I lost my only mare and foal this year, so I will live it through you guys, since ya'll are going to have picture perfect births and babies!!! :aktion033: Oh I wanna see! Keep us updated!
No, no baby.

She took her sweet time coming in from the pasture tonight, though. And so her mother waited, and waited, and waited until she was sure her daughter was indeed, coming into the barn, so I had to stand outside in the rain for about fifteen minutes checking to make sure she was coming down from the hill and shaking grain buckets, etc.

The neighbors must think I'm nuts...yelling "Gramma! Get in here!" and such (they are building a new house in the woods just behind my barn area...*LOL*)

Her udder is still tight and pretty warm, but no milk comes out, so I will have to content myself with putting the halter monitor on her and checking her every couple hours to see if anything develops.

Watch her keep me waiting since I think she's so close, now!

Liz M.
I told Incredible today he was going to be a daddy soon and you know what? He said he was very excited but he wants pictures right away so he can show the ladies that he is worthy of their attention. :bgrin
*LOL* Debra, I will send photos so the girls can ooh and ahh and get baby fever. It IS Valentine's Day not too long from now.

So curious to see what happens w/these two since Cherry carries silver (she is chestnut/flaxen), and he is a buckskin....

Cherry's already had a red pinto (by a silver pinto), a black (by a smokey black), a silver (by the same smokey black), and a palomino (by that smokey black again).

I am trying not to determine color before she gets here (hah or gender, either), but I think I'm due for a palomino filly (getting a black colt, I know!).


sixshooter, sorry about losing your two, that has to be so rough.
Yeah it was really sad, I am still looking for the rewind button so that I can maybe have saved the both of them, at least my mare. It is something you never would ever think would happen to yourself, a very sad reality check. But we figured out what the cause of it was and I have a big feeling that we will have a very succesful future! :aktion033: Gosh what i would do for another horse right now. i have one mare and one stallion lol! So i think you will have a palomino filly, cause then u will have to give it to me, of course lol! Since geez your horses are just soooo not taken care of they must come home with me! :lol: any baby yet?
Well, Liz...

You and Cherry Bomb have me checking in constantly to see if you have a new baby yet! Can't wait...

While you're asking her to be considerate as to the time, you might want to ask her to make certain it's between storms, too!
Still just watching a mare w/an itchy butt (she already broke one of the latches on the door/gate rubbing her butt...*sigh*)


susanne, go look on the back porch and see this sexy guy I think you'd like!

nootka any baby yet?? has cherry give any signs
:aktion033: Liz, the rubbing is always a 'start'sign in our stall

:aktion033: Good luck, I hope everything goes smooth, at a descent hour with a healthy outcome!
where's the baby?


would be lovely to see pic of her, gramma and the 4(5) babies

I am trying not to determine color before she gets here (hah or gender, either), but I think I'm due for a palomino filly (getting a black colt, I know!).
There's nothing wrong with black colts! :bgrin

Good luck and I can't wait to see the new baby!
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Any updates yet, Liz? Sounds like she could go at any time....I'm on pins & needles waiting to see what she has, as I won't be on "mare star" for quite some time yet. Will have to share with everyone else's exciting births!
*sigh* no baby, just a restless mare and tired me.


It'll be worth it, soon, though!

I'll have to look through the photos, I have a few that show how Gramma hovers around her grandkids.

You need to start whispering to that little one. Looks like more wind storms and heavy rain on the way.

Hope to see you post pictures of a little one today!

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