I posted these on FB and on the video forum but wasn't sure the "aunties" would see them. Taken today, so Bunny about 8 weeks and Clyde about 6 weeks. Wow time passes quickly Halter breaking training is going well too.
I hope I don't jinx anything by putting it down... but you know we said that no matter what, we were taking next year off. Then we thought about how wonderful Clyde came out, didn't need the vet or the hospital... and we can't really use Toffee for the 4-Hers because she is so untrusting. So we decided to breed her. Teased her 2 days, then she came in heat and Buckshot "told" us by sticking his head through that same stall window where Clyde and Bunny were born. Then I thought, if we are going to all that trouble and we have all those cams, and it is so much better to have 2 foals for company (you see where this is going?), then we should breed another mare. We ruled out Mira because of her dystocias, she gets daily Regumate most of her pregnancy whether she needs it or not, and of course the thumps. Sox will be perfect for the 4-Hers and has already been started driving training (can you picture her driving pairs with Princess?? we can!). So we decided it should be.... Dancer, our Little Wardance daughter.. who conveniently came in heat just as we made the decision. So the last week (week before this one) we alternated breeding them and now we wait, tease, and hopefully ultrasound. Dancer is still a 4-H project for this year and still being shown by us.
You know what Toffee looks like - this is Dancer (courtesy of Getitia Matheny)
wow Mary Dancer is gorgeous,this sure will be a baby to look out for. Thanks for sharing the videos, I can't believe 8 weeks have past, your babies just get better and better
What a wonderful bunch of foals! Thanks for sharing videos. You have worked so hard with your program it only seems natural for you to continue. Congrats on the pending foals next year. Dancer is beautiful!
There she is - Snappy the little poppet! I think she's perfect - maybe she doesn't have the 'flair' of movement of Bunny and Clyde, but I bet she will hold her own very well in the show classes for the small ones!!
Toffee and Dancer were ultrasounded yesterday and both are IN FOAL!!! I haven't even calculated due dates yet but last breeding dates were May 25 for Toffee and May 28 for Dancer.
Thanks for, well, EVERYTHING! I could not have done it without you and look forward to your help next year... well in less than 10 months. I figured due dates at 320 days so got April 10 for Toffee (which is my birthday, so how cool is that?) and then April 13 for Dancer.
And please don't tell Clyde but we are planning surgery for him, maybe even before he is weaned. We don't need another stallion, and certainly not over 34", which I am pretty sure he will be. But driving is defintiely in his future. We do not show babies - just too paranoid about them getting sick - but can't wait to show Clyde and Bunny next year - Pinto and AMHR!
Don't think I mentioned that Dancer is splash and tobiano, and of course both mares have those lovely blue eyes. Buckshot is tobiano and possibly splash too, and whatever pattern causes the high and irregular white on the legs??
Here is a new photo of Snappy with my husband. We take a ton of photos but most of the latest ones are of the 4-Hers. Needless to say they ALL LOVE the babies.