I only had one foal to wean this year, and have been trying to wait out the hot weather but he was starting to pull mom down so I pulled him off yesterday. I noticed the mare wasn't going up to the water trough (staying in sight of her colt) so I took her water last night and this morning, and she drank well. By early afternoon she was drawn and almost staggering, so we spent the afternoon at the vet......watching an IV bag drip is pretty close to watching paint dry lol. She's fine, wasn't down for long, but the reminder here is that it doesn't take long in this heat for them - or us - to dehydrate. When I brought her in she refused water. Gums were dry and pale, skin pinch did not come back quickly and she would hardly walk. We dodged a bigger bullet I think, but we've been running at least 100 degrees almost every day for weeks, with no rain, and it sure is starting to wear on everyone.