Praise be, it's has stopped raining.... we make it to the rendez-vous point by 8:10 and are told if we want we can go immediately as a group is leaving now. There were alot of people taking these tours that night. Our host for the walk is a young woman dressed in the period, with black cape to the ground, hood and carrying a lit lantern
. She proceeds to give us the history of the murder of Darcy Magee and the apprehension of Patrick Whelan, the man that was eventually found guilty of the murder BUT with very little evidence
and who to the gallows swore he was innocent of the crime
. The walk finally had us back at the jail and to the infamous 8th floor
. Standing on the 8th floor landing made me VERY nervous to say the least, especially when I heard SCREAMING. I thought, what the heck have I got myself into here
. The 8th floor of the jail is shaped in a U basically with the right side of the U having jail cells 3 feet x 6 feet and in those days there were no windows on the walls facing the jail cells. Needless to say in our winter climate many a prisoner apparently died from the elements
. Now the 8th floor visit is done in the dark. The only light are these "purple" ceiling lights that keep things QUITE DIM. So we visited that side first before tracking back and going to the other side and this is when things got me rather spooked. First there is a padlocked door as this is "death row". There are about 10 cells which are smaller, if you can believe than the spacious 3 feet by 6 foot cells opposite of this side. At the end of the hall is a full door which behind it has the gallow. The minute they opened the door leading down to the hall I felt literally ill, sick to my stomack. Don't ask me why because I felt fine before this. The other very strange thing is I felt dizzy, I had a difficult time walking, like the floor was uneven or something but it isn't. A few other people in our group were getting the same feelings I was. Others seemed fine. I did NOT like this feeling or being on this floor. So we walked down the hall and the door to the gallow was opened and we saw the trap-door, the hangman's noose..... We were then taken outside in the walled courtyard and looked up to see the trapdoor. About 10 seconds into looking up BANG, the trapdoor opened and the noose came down. I didn't jump because I was expecting them to do this but some in our group had a fit,
. In the group were 4 young women that I started to speak with and they were staying at the jail, on the 4th floor, and they were also going to the seance. I told them where we were and that they were most welcome to come visit us in the Warden's Quarter as we had lots of room to "entertain". They were in one of the cells on the 4th floor which housed two bunkbeds and no room for anything else, we are talking SMALL cell room.