Tiz Minis Fan
Well-Known Member
FIrst off, I LOVE driving my brood!....I can drive them all day long and never get tired (they, however will oppose to that pretty quick!) I trained all 3 of mine but the first one had a 'mentor' for the really basic stuff. The other two are trained but just need some time under their belts. My goal is to have a team at some point (gotta wait for the 4th girl to grow first!) So for right now, just a team of 2.
Originally, I started with the regular leather harness as seen on the first 3 pics.
But, very quickly, I got tired of 'everyone having the same thing as me'.....and wanted something different. So, I upgraded (as well as the price upgraded too!).
Now the first harness is used as 'intermediate training' once they gain the basics of driving. After they have been at it a bit and had one on one time, I upgrade them to the 'master' harness. Once the master harness is 'old hat' they are intruduced to another cart with more weight (but not too much of course!)
The collar harness price was mid $300 range when I bought it off of an amish gentleman at the Troutman Tack Sale in Statesville NC. The next year, I brought the first harness back (for measurement purpose because I couldnt put the mini in the car) and got another harness for the 2nd mini.
The last photo is of the team (Buddy the white gelding, and Jewel his bestie blue roan mare...both in their winter coats). I was taking pics of them to get a good idea of 'adjustments' needed on their harness and gear in relation to the wagon. So they were somewhat disappointed about not getting worked....lol...but happy to stand still.

Originally, I started with the regular leather harness as seen on the first 3 pics.
But, very quickly, I got tired of 'everyone having the same thing as me'.....and wanted something different. So, I upgraded (as well as the price upgraded too!).
Now the first harness is used as 'intermediate training' once they gain the basics of driving. After they have been at it a bit and had one on one time, I upgrade them to the 'master' harness. Once the master harness is 'old hat' they are intruduced to another cart with more weight (but not too much of course!)
The collar harness price was mid $300 range when I bought it off of an amish gentleman at the Troutman Tack Sale in Statesville NC. The next year, I brought the first harness back (for measurement purpose because I couldnt put the mini in the car) and got another harness for the 2nd mini.
The last photo is of the team (Buddy the white gelding, and Jewel his bestie blue roan mare...both in their winter coats). I was taking pics of them to get a good idea of 'adjustments' needed on their harness and gear in relation to the wagon. So they were somewhat disappointed about not getting worked....lol...but happy to stand still.